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Prepare you app state for async server-side rendering and more!

async-await react redux server-side-rendering universal

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Prepare you app state for async server-side rendering and more!




## react-prepare

`react-prepare` allows you to have you deeply nested components with asynchronous dependencies, and have everything just work with server-side rendering.

The typical use-case is when a deeply-nested component needs to have a resource fetched from a remote HTTP server, such as GraphQL or REST API. Since `renderToString` is synchronous, when you call it on your app, this component won't render correctly.

One solution is to have a central router at the root of your application that knows exactly what data needs to be fetched before rendering. But this solution doesn't fit the component-based architecture of a typical React app. You want to declare data dependencies at the component level, much like your declare your props.

This is exactly what `react-prepare` does: it allows you to declare asynchronous dependencies at the component level, and make them work fine with server-side rendering as well as client-side rendering.

`react-prepare` is agnostic and can be used vanilla, but it comes with a tiny helper that makes it extremely easy to use along `redux` and `react-redux` (see examples below).

#### Example with `react-redux`

Let's assume you have defined an async action creator `fetchTodoItems(userName)` which performs HTTP request to your server to retrieve the todo items for a given user and stores the result in your redux state.

Your `TodoList` component definition would look like this:

import { dispatched } from 'react-prepare';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { compose } from 'redux';

import { fetchTodoItems } from './actions';

const enhance = compose(
dispatched(({ userName }, dispatch) => dispatch(fetchTodoItems(userName))),
connect(({ todoItems }) => ({ items: todoItems }),

const TodoList = ({ items }) =>

    {, key) =>
  • {item}


export default enhance(TodoList);

And your server-side rendering code would look like this:

import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server';
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import thunkMiddleware from 'redux-thunk';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import prepare from 'react-prepare';

import reducer from './reducer';

async function serverSideRender(userName) {
const store = createStore(reducer, applyMiddleware(thunkMiddleware));
const app =

await prepare(app);
return {
html: renderToString(app),
state: store.getState(),

Your client could re-use the data fetched during server-side rendering directly, eg. assuming your injected it in `window.__APP_STATE__`:

const store = createStore(reducer, JSON.parse(window.__APP_STATE__));

, document.getElementById('app'));

**For a complete example of a fully-functional app using `react-prepare` in conjunction with `redux`, see the [react-prepare-todo]( repository.**

### API

#### `dispatched(sideEffect: async(props, dispatch), opts)(Component)`

Helper to use `prepared` more simply if your side effects consists mostly of dispatching redux actions.

In the body of the `sideEffect` function, you can use the `dispatch` function to dispatch redux actions, typically
requesting data from an asynchronous source (API server, etc.).
For example, let's assume you have defined an async action creator `fetchTodoItems(userName)` that fetches the todo-items from a REST API,
and that you are defining a component with a `userName` prop. To decorate your component, your code would look like:

class TodoItems extends React.PureComponent { ... }

const DispatchedTodoItems = dispatched(
({ userName }, dispatch) => dispatch(fetchTodoItems(userName))

The decorated component will have the following behavior:

- when server-side rendered using `prepare`, `sideEffect` will be run and awaited before the component is rendered; if `sideEffect` throws, `prepare` will also throw.
- when client-side rendered, `sideEffect` will be called on `componentDidMount` and `componentWillReceiveProps`.

`opts` is an optional configuration object passed directly to the underlying `prepared` decorator (see below).

#### `prepared(sideEffect: async(props, context), opts)(Component)`

Decorates `Component` so that when `prepare` is called, `sideEffect` is called (and awaited) before continuing the rendering traversal.

Available `opts` is an optional configuration object:

- `opts.pure` (default: `true`): the decorated component extends `PureComponent` instead of `Component`.
- `opts.componentDidMount` (default: `true`): on the client, `sideEffect` is called when the component is mounted.
- `opts.componentWillReceiveProps` (default: `true`): on the client, `sideEffect` is called again whenever the component receive props.

#### `async prepare(Element)`

Recursively traverses the element rendering tree and awaits the side effects of components decorated with `prepared` (or `dispatched`).
It should be used (and `await`-ed) *before* calling `renderToString` on the server. If any of the side effects throws, `prepare` will also throw.

### Notes

`react-prepare` tries hard to avoid object keys conflicts, but since React isn't very friendly with `Symbol`, it uses a special key for its internal use.
The single polluted key in the components key namespace is `@__REACT_PREPARE__@`, which shouldn't be an issue.