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## :books: Algorithm [:top:](#top)
- [Bubble Sort](algorithm/
- [Selection Sort](algorithm/
- [Insertion Sort](algorithm/
- [Merge Sort](algorithm/
- [Quick Sort](algorithm/
- [Topology Sort](algorithm/
- [Radix Sort](algorithm/
- [Counting Sort](algorithm/
- [DiceProblem](algorithm/
- [Kruskal](algorithm/
- [스택으로 큐 구현](algorithm/
- [좌표 압축 기법](algorithm/
- [하노이의 탑](algorithm/

## :moneybag: C++ [:top:](#top)
- [형변환 연산자](cplusplus/
- [Const](cplusplus/
- [Vector](cplusplus/
- [Virtual](cplusplus/
- [가상함수의 동작 원리](cplusplus/
- [EnumHack](cplusplus/
- [inline](cplusplus/
- [EmptyClass](cplusplus/
- [DanglingPointer](cplusplus/

## :computer: Computer Architecture [:top:](#top)
- [빅엔디언과 리틀엔디언](computer_architecture/
- [실행파일의 생성과정](computer_architecture/
- [컴퓨터에서의 실수 표현방법](computer_architecture/
- [10진수와 2진수의 변환](computer_architecture/
- [유니코드](computer_architecture/

## :evergreen_tree: Data Structure [:top:](#top)
- [Stack](data_structure/
- [Queue](data_structure/
- [Deque](data_structure/
- [트리](data_structure/
- [이진트리](data_structure/
- [트리의 순회](data_structure/
- [최소신장트리(MST)](data_structure/
- [자료구조를 이용한 스택의 구현](data_structure/
- [해싱](data_structure/

## :floppy_disk: Database [:top:](#top)
- [DB 쿼리문 정리](database/
- [JOIN의 종류](database/
- [DDL,DML,DCL](database/
- [트랜잭션의 ACID 속성](database/
- [트랜잭션 격리수준](database/
- [RDBMS와 NoSQL의 차이](database/
- [낙관적 락과 비관적 락](database/

## 🦉 Design Pattern [:top:](#top)
- [Command Pattern](design_pattern/
- [Observer Pattern](design_pattern/
- [Strategy Pattern](design_pattern/
- [TemplateMethod Pattern](design_pattern/
- [Singleton Pattern](design_pattern/
- [FactoryMethod Pattern](design_pattern/
- [AbstractFactory Pattern](design_pattern/
- [Adapter Pattern](design_pattern/
- [Decorator Pattern](design_pattern/
- [Composite Pattern](design_pattern/
- [Bridge Pattern](design_pattern/

## :video_game: Game [:top:](#top)
- [드로우콜 줄이기](game/

## :octocat: Github [:top:](#top)
- [repository를 clone할 때 모든 branch를 local에 받기](github/
- [Pull Request 방법](github/

## :lips: Java [:top:](#top)
- [JVM](java/
- [Eclipse Attach Source 설정하기](java/
- [String, StringBuffer, StringBuilder의 차이](java/
- [HashMap과 Hashtable의 차이](java/
- [final](java/
- [Interface와 abstract의 차이](java/

## :stars: JavaScript [:top:](#top)
- [Hoisting](javascript/

## :1234: Linear Algebra [:top:](#top)
- [행렬](linear_algebra/
- [벡터의 내적](linear_algebra/

## :globe_with_meridians: Network [:top:](#top)
- [OSI 7 Layer](network/
- [URI, URL, URN 개념](network/
- [포트와 소켓](network/
- [서브넷마스크](network/
- [Nagle 알고리즘](network/
- [TCP와 UDP의 차이](network/
- [HTTP와 HTTPS](network/

## :bus: Operating System [:top:](#top)
- [메모리 구조](operating_system/
- [프로세스와 스레드](operating_system/
- [Context Switching](operating_system/
- [동시성과 병렬성](operating_system/
- [Deadlock](operating_system/
- [CPU 스케줄링](operating_system/
- [페이지 교체 알고리즘](operating_system/
- [메모리 단편화](operating_system/

## :speech_balloon: Programming Language [:top:](#top)
- [객체지향 프로그래밍](programming_language/
- [객체 지향 원칙](programming_language/
- [자료형](programming_language/
- [Call by Sharing](programming_language/
- [Short Circuit](programming_language/
- [함수의 인자 전달 방식](programming_language/
- [접근 제한자](programming_language/

## :lock: Security [:top:](#top)
- [대칭키와 공개키](security/
- [파일 완전 삭제](security/
- [DMZ(Demilitarized zone)](security/

## :hammer: Software Engineering [:top:](#top)
- [디자인 패턴](software_engineering/
- [오픈소스 라이센스](software_engineering/
- [Naming Convention](software_engineering/
- [클린 코드](software_engineering/
- [MVC 패턴](software_engineering/

## :earth_asia: Web [:top:](#top)
- [AMP와 PWA](web/
- [REST란 무엇인가?](web/
- [Reverse Proxy와 Load Balancing](web/
- [세션과 쿠키](web/
- [Open API Architecture](web/
- [HTTP Cache](web/
- [HTTP Method](web/
- [웹 페이지 속도 개선 방법](web/
- [DI와 IoC](web/
- [GET과 POST의 차이](web/

## :open_file_folder: Window [:top:](#top)
- [메시지 루프](windows/
- [SendMessage, PostMessage](windows/
- [DLL](windows/

## :guitar: ETC [:top:](#top)
- [DEVIEW - MongoDB](etc/
- [DEVIEW - Android WebView](etc/
- [DEVIEW - Whale 2.0](etc/
- [template](etc/
- [마크다운 공유 편집 - hackmd](