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🎡 Search and Play songs from YouTube inside your terminal

album-art golang lyrics mpv mpv-mpris player playlist song soundcloud terminal youtube

Last synced: 15 days ago
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🎡 Search and Play songs from YouTube inside your terminal





Tuner searches and plays songs from YouTube and SoundCloud inside your terminal.

[![CI status](](

_If you want a GUI application with more features, take a look at


## Table of Contents

- [Features](#features)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Quick play with dmenu](#quick-play-with-dmenu)
- [Installing](#installing)
- [Compile](#compile)
- [Screenshots](#screenshots)
- [Album Art (experimental)](#album-art-experimental)
- [MPRIS](#mpris)
- [Discord](#discord)
- [Keybinds](#keybinds)
- [Commands](#commands)
- [Storage](#storage)
- [License](#license)

## Features

- Playlists
- Lyrics
- Discord Rich Presence
- No "search rate limits" (Tuner doesn't use the youtube API)
- Show album art (experimental)
- SoundCloud search support
- "I'm Feeling Lucky" (play the first result when `!` is used as a prefix for the
search query)

## Usage

Using Tuner is simple. Just install it and then run `tuner` inside your terminal.
That will launch a interactive player. If that's not what you want, here are some
alternative modes:

- `tuner play ` (or `tuner p`): plays the first result found for
the search term (a terminal is required).
- `tuner simple-play ` (or `tuner sp`): plays the first result
found for the search term but without the interactive player (does not require a

### Quick play with dmenu

You can create a script in `/usr/bin/play` (or any other folder in your path)
with the following content:


# when the search query is not defined
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
search_query=$(echo "stop" | dmenu -p "Play: ")

# when the search query is stop
if [ "$search_query" = "stop" ]; then
killall tuner -w
exit 0

# when the search query is ok to be played
tuner sp "$search_query"

With that, you can use dmenu to quickly play songs, by:
- Creating a bind to `play` (that will open a dmenu prompt asking for the search
- Running `play ` (where `song name` is not required) in dmenu_run
(usually `super+d`).

## Installing

### Arch Linux

Install from the AUR (`yay -S go-tuner-git`).

### Debian (also Ubuntu, Linux Mint and PopOS)

Use this install script:

> $ wget -O - | bash

## Compile

Tuner is a written in Go, so you will need to install the GoLang compiler. On
Arch Linux, you should install the `go` package.

### Dependencies

Before running Tuner you need to install
[MPV]( and

On Arch Linux, the dependencies packages are `mpv youtube-dl`

On Debian based (Ubuntu, PopOs, Linux Mint, etc), install `libmpv-dev` via APT
and `youtube-dl` via PIP (`sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade youtube-dl`).

**Font Awesome 5 is also required to display the icons. You can also customize
the icons in the `icons/icons.go` file.**

### Build

Clone the repository:
> $ git clone && cd tuner

> $ make install

## Screenshots

**Tuner + pfetch:**

![Screenshot with MOTD](

**Tuner search menu:**

![Screenshot search](

**Tuner + Discord:**

![Screenshot of Discord Rich Presence](

**Tuner + cava:**

![Screenshot playing with CAVA](

**Tuner + lolcat:**

![Screenshot playing with CAVA](

## Album Art (experimental)

The option to show the song Album Art is disabled by default, here's how to
enable it:

First install [Überzug](
(on Arch Linux, install the `ueberzug` package)...

Then open Tuner and type `/a` in the search bar and restart your Terminal and


To enable MPRIS, first install [mpv-mpris](
(it needs to be placed at `~/.config/mpv/scripts/` or

_if you are using Arch Linux and installed Tuner using the `go-tuner-git` AUR package, it's already installed._

After that, use `/mpris` command and restart tuner.

## Discord

To enable or disable the integration with Discord, type `/discord` in the search bar.

## Keybinds

**If keybinds aren't working, try running Tuner with `TERM="xterm" tuner`.
If it doesn't work, restart you terminal and open a issue on GitHub with
the output of `echo $TERM`. If it does work, you can also open the issue or set
a alias.**

_TIP: You can see the keybinds inside Tuner by pressing `?`._

- Arrow Left: Seek 5 seconds back.
- Arrow Right: Seek 5 seconds.
- Ctrl C: Stop the player.
- Space: Play/Pause song.
- Arrow Down: Decrease the volume.
- Arrow Up: Increase the volume.
- ?: Toggle keybind list.
- L: Toggle loop.
- P: Toggle lyric.
- W: Scroll lyric up.
- S: Scroll lyric down.
- U: Show video URL.
- B: Save song to playlist and edit current playlist.
- R: Shuffle playlist.
- \>: Next song in playlist.
- <: Previous song in playlist.

## Commands

There are a few commands you can type in the search bar:

- `/discord` or `/dc`: Toggle option to show Tuner in Discord.
- `/cache` or `/c`: Toggle option to keep cache (default is false).
- `/album` or `/a`: Toggle option to show album art (default is false).
- `/mpris` or `/m`: Toggle option to load mpv-mpris (default is false).
- `/help` or `/h`: List all commands.

## Storage

Tuner data (cache and config) is stored at `~/.cache/tuner`. Tuner doesn't keep
the songs downloaded, the only cached data is the album art (if the feature is
enabled) and the info of playlist entries.

## License

GPL Logo

This project is licensed under [GNU General Public License v2.0](./LICENSE).

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.