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Zero-config build tooling for Node

bundle node package rollup typescript

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Zero-config build tooling for Node





# 🌬️ siroc

[![npm version][npm-version-src]][npm-version-href]
[![Github Actions][github-actions-src]][github-actions-href]

> `siroc` is a zero-config but extensible framework for developing Node applications and libraries

## Features

- 💯 **Zero-config required**: Intelligent support for your package
- Supports running and compiling TypeScript and the latest JavaScript syntax
- ⚒️ **Extensible**: Write your own commands and build hooks
- 💪 **Typescript**: Fully typed and self-documenting

**`siroc` is still a work in progress. Feedback is welcome, and changes will be frequent.**

## Quick start

Just install `siroc`.

# You can install siroc as a development dependency
pnpm i siroc --dev

# ... or install globally
pnpm -g i siroc

## Configuration

You can configure `siroc` by creating a `siroc.config.ts`, `siroc.config.js` or `siroc.config.json` file at the same level as your `package.json`.

In a monorepo, any configuration options at the root level are inherited by your workspaces, though of course you can override them.

import { defineSirocConfig } from 'siroc'

export default defineSirocConfig({
// fully typed options

## Commands

### `siroc build`

`siroc` knows what to build based on your `package.json`.

By default, `siroc` will build your `src/index.js` or `src/index.ts` file into whatever output file is specified in your package.json's `main` field.

If you have specified additional binaries, `siroc` will look for input files matching their names.

Under the hood, `siroc` uses `rollup` and `esbuild` to build and produce type definitions for your files.

#### Monorepos

If you have enabled yarn workspaces, siroc will build each of your workspaces. You can choose to build only some of these by specifying what to build.

yarn siroc build @mypackage/cli

#### Watch mode

You can build in watch mode, which will rebuild as necessary when source files change:

yarn siroc build --watch

#### Configuration

At the most basic level, your entrypoints are configured in your `package.json`:

- `bin` (see [npm docs](
- `main`, `module` and `browser` (see [npm docs](
- `types` if you want a TS declaration file to be generated for your main/module/browser entrypoints
- `exports` (see [npm docs](

There are some conventions in place of configuration that are worth noting:
* the file type is inferred from the file name if possible (e.g. `` will be in 'es' format)
* `main` defaults to CJS, `module` to ES, `browser` to UMD, and `bin` to CJS
* if you have a folder mapped using [subpath patterns]( and it matches a folder within your `src` folder, the files within will be copied across and lightly transpiled using [mkdist](

##### Example
"exports": {
".": {
// This will be compiled in CJS and matched to src/index.ts
"require": "./dist/index.js",
// This will be compiled in ES and matched to src/index.ts
"import": "./dist/"
// src/templates will be lightly transpiled with mkdist and copied to dist/templates
"./templates/*": "./dist/templates/*",
// siroc will not touch this
"./package.json": "./package.json"
// This will be compiled in CJS and matched to src/index.ts
"main": "./dist/index.js",
// This will be compiled in ES and matched to src/index.ts
"module": "./dist/",
// Types will be generated for src/index.ts
"types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
"bin": {
// This will be compiled in CJS and matched to src/cli/index.ts
"siroc": "bin/cli.js",
// This will be compiled in CJS and matched to src/cli/runtime.ts
"siroc-runner": "bin/runtime.js"

#### Build hooks

`siroc` makes available three hooks for customising your build, if you need it.

1. `build:extend`
1. `build:extendRollup`
1. `build:done`

### `siroc dev`

If you're working in a monorepo, it can be helpful to have accurate and up-to-date intellisense when importing from other libraries in a monorepo, without having to rebuild every time you make changes.

Running `siroc dev` will replace your package entrypoints with stubs that point to your source files. Your binaries will run your source files directly using `jiti`.

### `siroc run`

You can run arbitrary shell commands or node scripts using the power of [the `jiti` runtime](

For example:

# You can run a node script written in TypeScript
yarn siroc run myfile.ts

# You can run a command in all your workspaces
yarn siroc run ls --workspaces

## Contributors

Contributions are very welcome.

1. Clone this repo

git clone

2. Install dependencies and build project


# Stub modules for rapid development
yarn siroc dev

# Test (on changes)
yarn siroc jest

**Tip:** You can also run `yarn link` within a package directory to test the module locally with another project.

## License

[MIT License](./LICENCE) - Made with 💖




