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NewMotion implementation of common endpoints of the OCPI protocol, using Scala

akka-http circe ocpi scala spray-json

Last synced: 5 days ago
JSON representation

NewMotion implementation of common endpoints of the OCPI protocol, using Scala




# OCPI endpoints [![Build Status](]( ![Latest Version](

The New Motion implementation of common endpoints of the OCPI protocol.


# Notions
To make clear when the parameters are about the application making use of the application or the party the application is
connecting to they are referred as: `our`/`us` or `theirs`/`them`

# Usage

See the example app in the example folder. You can run it with sbt by typing `project example` followed by `run`.
Once running you can make version requests with

curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Token abc" "http://localhost:8080/example/versions"

# Serialization support

You can use either Circe (recommended) or Spray-Json for (de)serialization of JSON

## Circe

In build.sbt

libraryDependencies += "com.thenewmotion.ocpi" %% s"ocpi-msgs-circe" % ""

Then in the route or client you want to use

import com.thenewmotion.ocpi.msgs.circe.v2_1.protocol._

## Spray Json

In build.sbt

libraryDependencies += "com.thenewmotion.ocpi" %% s"ocpi-msgs-spray-json" % ""

Then in the route or client you want to use

import com.thenewmotion.ocpi.msgs.sprayjson.v2_1.protocol._

## cats-effect support
To be able to pass IO as the effect type, import marshaller instances for it:

`import com.thenewmotion.ocpi.common.HktMarshallableInstances._`

# Changelog

## 2.0.0-M1
Migrate effect type to cats-effect IO.
At the core, we still use akka-http for routes and clients so we need the typical akka implicits.
Stream sources are also still using akka-stream.
But at the interface to the backend services implemented by the calling application code, IO (or ZIO) can be
used to model effect types.

In the following phases, we should migrate further to http4s, sttp (?) and fs2.

## 1.3.0
- allow passing of page limit from client code
- increase unmarshalling timeout to handle higher page sizes
- handle omitted `.data` field (when a list is expected but its empty)

## 1.2.3
- fix parsing of time without leading zeros; 2nd try

## 1.2.2
- Don't log credentials during registration
- fix parsing of time without leading zeros
- handle missing `twentyfourseven` field in `hours` object

## 1.2.1
Redact auth header before logging request

## 1.2.0
Update to Circe 0.12.3

## 1.0.0

Update dependencies

## 0.10.6

Bugfix so that users of the CommandClient do not need to provide a JSON deserializer that can handle Either

## 0.10.5

* Make commands module compatible with OCPI 2.1.1-d2

## 0.7.10

* Pass the requester's globalPartyId to MspTokenService methods
* Stop passing the ExecutionContext from Routes into Services in some cases

## 0.7.9

* Require non empty ids
* Improved Generic merging or patches using Shapeless
* Validation for Latitude and Longitude

## 0.7.8

* Tokens Client for CPO Tokens module
* Don't include akka-http-spray-json anymore, as spray json is optional

## 0.7.7

* Many of the modules have a method such as createOrUpdate*, this method used to take both an id from the url
and an object.Now, they only take an object, and the validation that the id of the url and and the id from
the object are validated by the library
* Remove the id fields from the Patch object, as the id cannot be changed

## 0.7.6

* Added Sessions module
* When using a route or a client, you will need to import the Circe or Spray Json modules, as above
* You no longer need to use `new` to create a route, each one has a companion object, and then the route can be
used directly instead of having to use the `.route` method. See the ExampleApp.
* Many of the services previously had methods returning `Future[Either[SessionError, Boolean]]` where
a `Right(true)` meant the record has been updated and a `Right(false)` meant it was updated. This has
been replaced by `Right(Created)` and `Right(Updated)`