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Python development standards at Shopify


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Python development standards at Shopify




# Shopify Python Standards

This repository describes Python development standards at Shopify, and provides some utilities to assist other
Python repositories adhere to these standards.

## Development Principles
- Make sure your code is readable.
- Don't hesitate to refactor code where it improves the design.
- Don't take shortcuts; development is more like a marathon than a sprint.
- And leave the code cleaner than you found it.

## Python Style

Shopify follows the [Google Python Style Guide]( with the following
- Line Length: The maximum line length is 120 columns.
- Private Methods and Properties
- Prefix class-private members and properties with double underscores. This invokes name-mangling, which provides some protection against violations of encapsulation.
- Prefix module-private functions and variables with a single underscore.
- Multi-line docstrings: The first line of text (summary line) appears on the same line as the opening three double-quotes.
- Base Class Inheritance
- If a class or nested class inherits from no other base classes, explicitly inherit from object.
- This won't be enforced for our pure Python 3 code, but we will enforce for Python 2 and 2/3 compatible code.
- Variable/module-name collisions: Variable names may be suffixed with an underscore to avoid collisions with imported modules (an extension of the [PEP-8 convention]( for collisions with builtins).

## Versioning

Projects that are producing libraries to be used in other projects should choose their release version numbers using [Semantic Versioning 2.0.0](, i.e.

> Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
> MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
> MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
> PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.
> Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.

## Testing

All committed code requires quality tests that provide ample code coverage. Functionality that is not covered by tests
should be assumed to be broken (and probably will be).

## Code Review

Committing to `master` requires a code review, submitted in the form of a GitHub Pull Request. To be merged, a PR must
have an explicit approval from a core team member and no outstanding questions.

## Project Setup

To help you apply these principles this repository contains a pylint plugin and some example files to bootstrap a Python project. When beginning a Python project:

- Start with a [`pylintrc`](pylintrc) file of this form and disable messages in Python source files if needed as agreed upon by team members
- During early development of a project, globally disabling the `fixme` and `missing-docstring` messages via `pylintrc` is acceptable but these should be removed before a 1.0.0 release of a library or a production deployment of an application
- Install and use the `shopify_python` checker (which this [`pylintrc`](pylintrc) is configured to run) by making a `requirements.txt` entry of `git+[email protected]` (replacing `v0.1.2` with the latest version number) and installing it via pip (e.g. `pip install -r requirements.txt`)
- Use a continuous integration (CI) server such as [Travis CI]( (or an internal alternative) and for each PR require successful runs of:
- [`py.test`]( to run your unit tests
- Use the [`pytest-randomly`]( plugin to randomize test order to eliminate test-order dependencies
- [`pylint`]( to lint your code using pylint's default checkers and the `shopify_python` checker defined in this project
- [`mypy`]( to check type annotations
- Use a [`Makefile`](Makefile) similar to the one used by this project to run tests/linters in a similar way on both CI and for local development (or use an internal alternative)

## Contributing

Please refer to our [Contribution Guidelines](