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Benchmark of different timer implementations(min-heap, red-black tree, timing wheel) 不同数据结构实现的定时器测试

cplusplus minheap redblacktree timer timewheel

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Benchmark of different timer implementations(min-heap, red-black tree, timing wheel) 不同数据结构实现的定时器测试




# timer-benchmark


as [Hashed and Hierarchical Timing Wheels]( implies

a timer module has 3 component routines:

``` C++
// start a timer that will expire after `interval` unit of time
// return an unique id of the pending timer
int Start(interval, expiry_action)

// cancel a timer identified by `timer_id`
void Cancel(timer_id)

// per-tick bookking routine
// in single-thread timer scheduler implementions, this routine will run timeout actions
int Update(now)

use [min-heap](, quaternary heap( [4-ary heap]( ),
balanced binary search tree( [red-black tree]( ), [hashed timing wheel](
and [Hierarchical timing wheel]( to implement different time scheduler.

## Big(O) complexity of algorithm

FIFO means whether same deadline timers expire in FIFO order.


algo | | Start() | Cancel() | Tick() | FIFO | implemention file
binary heap | 最小堆 | O(log N) | O(log N) | O(1) | no | [PriorityQueueTimer](src/PriorityQueueTimer.h)
4-ary heap | 四叉堆 | O(log N) | O(log N) | O(1) | no | [QuatHeapTimer](src/QuatHeapTimer.h)
redblack tree | 红黑树 | O(log N) | O(log N) | O(log N) | no | [RBTreeTimer](src/RBTreeTimer.h)
hashed timing wheel | 时间轮 | O(1) | O(1) | O(1) | yes | [HashedWheelTimer](src/HashedWheelTimer.h)
hierarchical timing wheel | 多级时间轮 | O(1) | O(1) | O(1) | yes | [HHWheelTimer](src/HHWheelTimer.h)

## How To Build

### Obtain CMake

Obtain [CMake]( first.

* `sudo apt install cmake` on Ubuntu or Debian
* `sudo yum install cmake` on Redhat or CentOS
* `choco install cmake` on Windows use [choco](

run shell command

* `mkdir cmake-build; cd cmake-build && cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. && cmake --build .`

## Benchmarks

## Benchmark result

Win10 x64 6-core 3.93MHz CPU

Benchmark | Time | CPU | Iterations
BM_PQTimerAdd | 441 ns | 433 ns | 1947826
BM_QuadHeapTimerAdd | 429 ns | 427 ns | 1866667
BM_RBTreeTimerAdd | 1231 ns | 1228 ns | 1120000
BM_HashWheelTimerAdd | 430 ns | 436 ns | 1792000
BM_HHWheelTimerAdd | 669 ns | 672 ns | 1000000
BM_PQTimerCancel | 668 ns | 656 ns | 1000000
BM_QuadHeapTimerCancel | 351 ns | 349 ns | 2240000
BM_RBTreeTimerCancel | 1685 ns | 1692 ns | 896000
BM_HashWheelTimerCancel | 632 ns | 641 ns | 1000000
BM_HHWheelTimerCancel | 942 ns | 953 ns | 1000000
BM_PQTimerTick | 29.8 ns | 29.8 ns | 23578947
BM_QuadHeapTimerTick | 30.3 ns | 30.5 ns | 23578947
BM_RBTreeTimerTick | 30.2 ns | 29.8 ns | 23578947
BM_HashWheelTimerTick | 31.2 ns | 30.8 ns | 21333333
BM_HHWheelTimerTick | 30.5 ns | 30.7 ns | 22400000

## Conclusion

* rbtree timer Add/Cancel has not so good performance compare to other implementations;
* 红黑树的插入和删除相比其它实现,表现都弱了一些;
* binary min heap is a good choice, easy to implement and have a good performance, but without FIFO expiration order(heap sort is unstable);
* 最小堆是一个不错的选择,代码实现简单性能也不俗,但不支持相同超时的定时器按FIFO顺序触发;

## Reference

* [Hashed and Hierarchical Timing Wheels](
* [Hashed and Hierarchical Timing Wheels](
* [Netty HashedWheelTimer](
* [Apache Kafka, Purgatory, and Hierarchical Timing Wheels](