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Endless Sky Content Editing Tools

Last synced: 10 days ago
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Endless Sky Content Editing Tools




# zifnab: Endless Sky Content Editing Tools


## What is zifnab?

Zifnab is a simple library for manipulating and generating content for the [Endless Sky]( game.

### Getting Started

The library is released to Maven Central and can be downloaded using normal dependency download mechanisms.
The Maven dependencies are:





See the `examples/` directory for a few examples of the tools in use.

### Data File Format

The `zifnab.hdf` package contains tools for reading and writing the data file format used by `Endless Sky`. The
package is included in the `zifnab-hdf` artifact.

#### Reading

Reading the file format is as simple as:

final Path file = ...;
final DataFile dataFile = file );

The `DataFile` object has a reference to the in memory representation of the data format and it is reasonably
easy to traverse to extract information from the the file. i.e.

final long topLevelElements = dataFile.getDocument().getChildElements().size();
System.out.println( topLevelElements + " top-level elements found in file." );

#### Writing

The current API for generating data in the correct format is low-level. A high-level API is expected to be available
in the future. The low-level API for constructing the data file looks like:

final DataDocument document = new DataDocument();
document.comment( "The humanitarian mission!" );
final DataElement element1 = document.element( "mission", "Drought Relief" );
element1.comment( "The name of the mission as presented to user" );
element1.element( "name", "Drought relief to " );
final DataElement offer = element1.element( "to", "offer" );
offer.element( "random", "<", "10" );

final DataFile dataFile = new DataFile( Paths.get( "output.txt" ), document );

And this would produce a file named `output.txt` that contains

# The humanitarian mission!
mission "Drought Relief"
# The name of the mission as presented to user
name "Drought relief to "
to offer
random < 10

# Contributing

The project was released as open source so others could benefit from the project. We are thankful for any
contributions from the community. A [Code of Conduct]( has been put in place and
a [Contributing]( document is under development.

# License

The project is licensed under [Apache License, Version 2.0](LICENSE).