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Automated API Testing and Quality Assurance

actions api-client api-rest api-testing api-testing-framework automated-testing ci continuous-integration github-actions graphql grpc grpc-client integration-testing load-testing qa soap swagger test-automation testing-tools trpc

Last synced: 2 months ago
JSON representation

Automated API Testing and Quality Assurance




![Screen Recording 2023-10-04 at 15 43 17](

> **Note**
> We just announced [Support Plan]( for Step CI

> **Important**
> For users migrating from Postman and Insomnia, see issues [#29]( and [#30]( respectively

# Welcome

Step CI is an open-source API Quality Assurance framework

- **Language-agnostic**. Configure easily using YAML, JSON or JavaScript
- **REST, GraphQL, gRPC, tRPC, SOAP**. Test different API types in one workflow
- **Self-hosted**. Test services on your network, locally and CI/CD
- **Integrated**. Play nicely with others

[→ **Read the Docs**](

[→ **Try the Online Playground**](

[→ **Join us on Discord**](

## Get started

1. Install the CLI

**Using [Node.js](**

npm install -g stepci

> **Note**: Make sure you're using the LTS version of Node.js

**Using [Homebrew](**

brew install stepci

2. Create example workflow


version: "1.1"
name: Status Check
- name: GET request
url: https://${{}}
method: GET
status: /^20/

> **Note**: You can also also use JSON format to configure your workflow

3. Run the workflow

stepci run workflow.yml

PASS example

Tests: 0 failed, 1 passed, 1 total
Steps: 0 failed, 1 passed, 1 total
Time: 0.559s, estimated 1s

Workflow passed after 0.559s

## Documentation

Documentation is available on [](

## Examples

You can find example workflows under [`examples/`](examples/)

## Community

Join our community on [Discord]( and [GitHub](

## Contributing

As an open-source project, we welcome contributions from the community. If you are experiencing any bugs or want to add some improvements, please feel free to open an issue or pull request

## Support Plan

Get Pro-level support with SLA, onboarding, prioritized feature-requests and bugfixes.

[→ **Learn more**](

Book us with

## Privacy

By default, the CLI collects anonymous usage data, which includes:

- Unique user ID
- OS Name
- Node Version
- CLI Version
- Command (`stepci init`, `stepci run`, `stepci generate`)
- Environment (Local, Docker, CI/CD)

> **Note**
> The usage analytics can be disabled by setting `STEPCI_DISABLE_ANALYTICS` environment variable

## License

The source code is distributed under Mozilla Public License terms