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Code examples for the new features of iOS 7.

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Code examples for the new features of iOS 7.






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Code examples for the new functions of iOS 7.


## Contents

### Dynamic Behaviors

Dynamic Behaviours using UIDynamicAnimator, UIGravityBehavior, UICollisionBehavior, UIDynamicItemBehavior.


### Speech Synthesis

Synthesized speech from text using AVSpeechSynthesizer and AVSpeechUtterance.


### Custom Transition

UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning, UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate.

- [ZBCustomTransitions](


- [HUAnimator](


### 3D Map

3D Map using MKMapCamera.


### iBeacon

Region monitoring demo using iBeacon.


Related Repository: [PulsingHalo](

### 240fps Video Recording

SLO-MO video recorder using AVFoundation. It works with 240fps on iPhone 6, iPhone 6s, etc.




See the 120fps Slo-Mo video in Vimeo 120fps.

Related Repository: [SlowMotionVideoRecorder](

### Smile Detection

Smile Detection using CIDetectorSmile and new properties of CIFeature such as "bounds".


### Image Filters

New filters of CIFilter.

- CILinearToSRGBToneCurve
- CIPhotoEffectChrome
- CIPhotoEffectFade
- CIPhotoEffectInstant
- CIPhotoEffectMono
- CIPhotoEffectNoir
- CIPhotoEffectProcess
- CIPhotoEffectTonal
- CIPhotoEffectTransfer
- CISRGBToneCurveToLinear
- CIVignetteEffect


### Sprite Kit

A sample of Sprite Kit using SKView, SKScene, SKSpriteNode, SKAction.


### Map Directions

Requesting and draw directions using MKDirections, MKDirectionsResponse and MKPolylineRenderer.


### Motion Effects (Parallax)

Parallax effect using UIMotionEffect.


### Multipeer Connectivity

Creating a local network sharing connection over Wi-Fi or Bluetooth LE.


### AirDrop/Flickr/Vimeo/ReadingList

New Activity Types: AirDrop, Post to Flickr / Vimeo, Add to ReadingList


### QR Code Reader

Detect QR codes with AVMetadataObjectTypeQRCode which is added into AVMetadataObjectTypes.

### QR Code Generator

Generating QR Code with CIQRCodeGenerator.


### Motion Activity Tracking

Counting steps and monitoring the activity using CMStepCounter and CMMotionActivityManager. It works only on iPhone5s (M7 chip).


### Static Map Snapshots

Creating a snapshot with MKMapSnapshotOptions, MKMapSnapshotter.


### Safari Reading List

Adding an item to the Safari Reading List with the new Safari Services framework.

### New Fonts

Displaying new fonts with their FontNames which are needed for \"fontWithName:size:\" method of UIFont.


### Spring Animation

Performs animations using a timing curve described by the motion of a spring.


### Web Pagination

Pagination sample for web pages. It uses new property "paginationMode" of UIWebView.


## Special Thanks

Icons and LaunchImages are **designed by [Okazu](**

![]([email protected]?raw=true)

## Author

**Shuichi Tsutsumi**

iOS freelancer in Japan. Welcome works from abroad!

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