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An elegant and simple progress HUD for iOS and tvOS, compatible with Swift and ObjC.

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An elegant and simple progress HUD for iOS and tvOS, compatible with Swift and ObjC.





An elegant and simple progress HUD for iOS and tvOS. **Supports Swift and Objective-C!**


__The ultimate progress HUD for iOS and tvOS is here: JGProgressHUD!__

- Plug and play: Simple integration, easy to use, few lines of code required.
- Easily customizable (custom animations, indicator views and more).
- Uses `UIVisualEffectView` and `UIMotionEffect` for a native look.
- Uses AutoLayout to provide a fully dynamic layout.
- Detects and repositions when keyboard appears/disappears.
- Dark mode support — automatically changes appearance.
- Well documented and maintained.
- Voice Over/`UIAccessibility` support.
- Backward compatibility to iOS 8.
- Can be used with Swift and Objective-C.
- And most importantly, it looks good!

Download the source code and open the Examples project to try JGProgressHUD and see all of its features in action!

JGProgressHUD can also be used with SwiftUI. See [JGProgressHUD-SwiftUI](

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#### Showing indeterminate progress:


JGProgressHUD *HUD = [[JGProgressHUD alloc] init];
HUD.textLabel.text = @"Loading";
[HUD showInView:self.view];
[HUD dismissAfterDelay:3.0];


let hud = JGProgressHUD()
hud.textLabel.text = "Loading" self.view)
hud.dismiss(afterDelay: 3.0)

This displays a dark HUD with an activity indicator and the title "Loading". The HUD is presented with a fade animation and is dismissed after 3 seconds with a fade animation.

#### Showing an error message:

JGProgressHUD *HUD = [[JGProgressHUD alloc] init];
HUD.textLabel.text = @"Error";
HUD.indicatorView = [[JGProgressHUDErrorIndicatorView alloc] init]; //JGProgressHUDSuccessIndicatorView is also available
[HUD showInView:self.view];
[HUD dismissAfterDelay:3.0];

#### Showing determinate progress:

JGProgressHUD *HUD = [[JGProgressHUD alloc] init];
HUD.indicatorView = [[JGProgressHUDPieIndicatorView alloc] init]; //Or JGProgressHUDRingIndicatorView
HUD.progress = 0.5f;
[HUD showInView:self.view];
[HUD dismissAfterDelay:3.0];

__For more examples, including in Swift, see Examples.__

__Important:__ You should always show `JGProgressHUD` in a `UIViewController` view.

### Styles:
JGProgressHUD can be displayed in 3 styles:

- __Extra Light__
- __Light__
- __Dark__

The style can also be set automatically according to the current `UITraitCollection` (dark mode). Use the initializer `[[JGProgressHUD alloc] init]`/`JGProgressHUD()` to take advantage of the automatic style.

### Indicator Views:
By default a HUD will display an indeterminate progress indicator. The indicator view can be completely hidden by setting the `indicatorView` property to `nil`. These indicator views are available by default:

- __Indeterminate progress indicator__
- __Pie progress indicator__
- __Ring progress indicator__
- __Success indicator__
- __Error indicator__
- __Image indicator__

Custom indicator views can be created by subclassing `JGProgressHUDIndicatorView`.

### Animations:
By default a HUD will use a fade animation. Several parameters can be altered such as animation duration or animation curve. A HUD can be displayed without animation and different animations can be used. These animations are available by default:

- __Fade__
- __Zoom and Fade__

Custom animations can be created by subclassing `JGProgressHUDAnimation`.

To dim the content behind the HUD set your dim color as `backgroundColor` of your `JGProgressHUD` instance.


### Swift Package Manager:

In Xcode, use the menu File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency... and enter the package URL ``.

This is the recommended way of installing JGProgressHUD.

### Carthage:
In your `Cartfile` add:

github "JonasGessner/JGProgressHUD"

### CocoaPods:
In your `Podfile` add:

pod 'JGProgressHUD'

### Manual Installation:

1. Drag the `JGProgressHUD.xcodeproj` file into your Xcode project.
2. Add `JGProgressHUD.framework` to "Embedded Binaries" in the "General" tab of your target.

After installing import the module where you want to use it:

@import JGProgressHUD;


import JGProgressHUD

See the Examples project for an example implementation of JGProgressHUD as framework.


- Base SDK of iOS/tvOS/macCatalyst 13.0 or higher.
- Deployment target of iOS 8.0, tvOS 9.0, macCatalyst 13.0, or higher.

JGProgressHUD can also be used by projects written in Swift. See Installation for details.

Detailed documentation can be found on here.

Each class and method is well documented, making it easy to quickly get a good overview. To start, see JGProgressHUD.h.

MIT License.

© 2014-2020, Jonas Gessner.

Created and maintained by Jonas Gessner, © 2014-2020.