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iOS Hierarchy viewer - View and Coredata debugging made easy

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iOS Hierarchy viewer - View and Coredata debugging made easy




iOS Hierarchy Viewer for UI and CoreData

iOS Hierarchy Viewer allows developers to debug their hierarchies for both UIView's and CoreData models.
- If there are problems with layout calculations, you can find them with ease by introspecting real-time preview of your views inside a browser.
- If your data is behaving weirdly, you can easily navigate through it via a browser.
- This tool predates commercial tools like Reveal and Spark Inspector, and it's available for free.

**since 1.4.6 version, we also give you debugging Core Data API in your project (if you use it). See 'Instruction' section to set it up.**



+ the client is implemented in HTML/JS/CSS. Additional software is not required
+ preview of device/simulator screen. Can be scaled and/or rotated on demand
+ debug frames shows the exact UIViews frames
+ property list shows obj-c properties and their values for selected UIView


+ download newest version of library from releases section [Lib] or use it as cocoapods spec
+ add these files to your project (drag&drop into xCode project)
+ make sure that you have added “-ObjC -all_load” to “other linker flags” (click at project root element, select “Build settings” tab, search for “other linker flags”)
+ if you already have JSONKit.m file in your project, please remove it because of linker conflict We switched to Apple's NSJSONSerialization so skip this step.
+ add QuartzCore to frameworks list
+ launch hierarchy viewer in your code by calling [iOSHierarchyViewer start];. The best place for it is AppDelegate::applicationDidBecomeActive callback
+ find or get from logs device/simulator ip address and go to ‘http://[ip_address]:9449′ address (Chrome/Firefox only)

- (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application
// your stuff
[iOSHierarchyViewer start];

If you would like to see data from Core Data API:
+ add CoreData to frameworks list
+ go to 'http://[ip_address]:9449/core.html' and add NSManagedContext object to iOSHierarchyViewer library

- (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application
// your stuff

setup persistent store coordinator for _managedObjectContext

[iOSHierarchyViewer addContext:_managedObjectContext name:@"Root managed context"];

You can always look at sample project, there is only 1 line of code needed for iOSHierarchyViewer to work with your project.
We really like PrettyKit ( ), so we just enabled our hierarchy viewer in their sample project. If you don't know what PrettyKit is you need to check it out!


Version 1.3:
+ fixed crashes at UITextView:
+ some properties can be read only from UI thread
+ some properties ( like 'autocapitalizationType' ) are not KVC compliant.

Version 1.4:
+ Accesibility labels are used when set, making it easier to read hierarchy
+ All scaning now takes place on main thread.

Roadmap and Contributing:
- Coloring non-opaque and misaligned view's similar to CoreAnimation instruments
- Selected views from HTML side highlight in tree navigator
- Support for cocos2d nodes visualisation and debugging

Did you find a bug ? Do you have feature request ? Do you want to merge a feature ?
Send us a pull request or add an issue in the tracker!


MIT. Full license in LICENSE.txt file.

[Damian Kołakowski](

[Krzysztof Zabłocki](