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Human friendly cron for Node JS :cupid:

cron laravel node node-cron nodejs

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Human friendly cron for Node JS :cupid:




node-reel logo


node-reel logo

**`node-reel`** is a heavily inspired by laravel task scheduler syntax thanks to [@taylorotwell]( and uses [`node-cron`]( by [merencia]( as the default cron driver to run cron tasks.

### why node-reel ? :wink:
const reel = require('node-reel')

reel().call(() => {
// say hello on mondays

reel().command('npm run clean_trash').everyThirtyMinutes().run()


### Install
using the npm or yarn
npm i node-reel --save

### Schedule Frequencies
Method | Description
------------- | -------------
`.cron('* * * * *');` | Run the task on a custom Cron schedule
`.everyMinute();` | Run the task every minute
`.everyFiveMinutes();` | Run the task every five minutes
`.everyTenMinutes();` | Run the task every ten minutes
`.everyFifteenMinutes();` | Run the task every fifteen minutes
`.everyThirtyMinutes();` | Run the task every thirty minutes
`.everyFortyFiveMinutes();` | Run the task every forty five minutes
`.hourly();` | Run the task every hour
`.hourlyAt(17);` | Run the task every hour at 17 mins past the hour
`.daily();` | Run the task every day at midnight
`.dailyAt('13:00');` | Run the task every day at 13:00
`.twiceDaily(1, 13);` | Run the task daily at 1:00 & 13:00
`.weekly();` | Run the task every week
`.weeklyOn(1, '8:00');` | Run the task every week on Tuesday at 8:00
`.monthly();` | Run the task every month
`.monthlyOn(4, '15:00');` | Run the task every month on the 4th at 15:00
`.quarterly();` | Run the task every quarter
`.yearly();` | Run the task every year
`.weekdays();` | Limit the task to weekdays
`.sundays();` | Limit the task to Sunday
`.mondays();` | Limit the task to Monday
`.tuesdays();` | Limit the task to Tuesday
`.wednesdays();` | Limit the task to Wednesday
`.thursdays();` | Limit the task to Thursday
`.fridays();` | Limit the task to Friday
`.saturdays();` | Limit the task to Saturday

link to laravel task scheduler doc : [task scheduler](

### Methods
Method | Description
------------- | -------------
`.call(function)` | pass a callback which will triggered
`.command(string/array);` | pass cli commands as string or array of strings
`.run();` | call this at the end of the chain to initiate.

### Adapters
`node-reel` will use `node-cron` as default adapter. but you can pass your own adapter and return your own object.

const Reel = require('node-reel').Reel;

const reel = new Reel({
adapter : (object) => {
// use your cron library or custom cron logic
// below are the available properties
let expression = object.expression;
let callback = object.callback;
let timezone = object.timezone;

return mycron.schedule(expression, callback);

// use it as follows
reel.command('npm run foo').hourly().run();

### Monitor the Scheduled Executions
If you want to keep an eye on every execution and make sure they succeed or fail, or even if they execute at all, or make a report of each, you can:

reel().command('npm run clean_trash', (error) => {
if (error) {
// Handle the error
} else {
// Report the success

### Notes
issues, pull request and feedback are welcome !
Happy Scheduling !!