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Alert COVID-19 is a small multiplatform tool written in Golang to help keep you informed about the current situation of COVID-19 in your region, while you stay safe at home.

alert cli coronavirus covid-19 covid19 go golang golang-application linux macos notification notify pandemic push windows

Last synced: 13 days ago
JSON representation

Alert COVID-19 is a small multiplatform tool written in Golang to help keep you informed about the current situation of COVID-19 in your region, while you stay safe at home.




URLs were lost so I decided to archive the project.

## Alert COVID-19
![Go Build](
![Go Test](
[![Go Report Card](](

Alert COVID-19 is a small multiplatform tool written in Golang to help keep you informed about the current situation of COVID-19 in your region,
while you stay safe at home.

At every hour, it fetches data from an API and displays a native notification on your system if there's any updates
on the number of confirmed cases, deaths or recovered patients.

## Getting started

If you just want to get up and running, follow these steps:

1. Go to the [release page](
2. Download the lastest release for your platform (MacOS, Linux or Windows)
3. Extract the contents and run the executable file

### Building the project

If you want to build the project yourself, here's how you can use our Makefile:

# Build the project
$ make
# If you're on Windows, you can also run "make zip" to create a zipped executable

# Run the program, updating every 10s and if there's a changes, display a notification
# Defaults to 1h00m00s (1 hour)
$ ./alertcovid19 -t 10s

# If you want to remove the built files
$ make clean

# Or simply...
$ go run .
Dependencies for building:
- Go
- Golint
- Gosec

## 👍 Contributing
If you want to say **thank you** and/or support the active development of `AlertCovid19`:

1. Add a [GitHub Star]( to the project.
2. Tweet about the project [on your Twitter](
3. Write a review or tutorial on [Medium](, []( or personal blog.
4. Help us to translate this `README` to another language.

## Do you wish to contribute?
Open a pull request or issue for we discuss.

## Coffee Supporters

Buy Me A Coffee Buy My Coffee

## Code Contributors
| [
@wgrr]( | [
@u5surf]( | [
@fsmiamoto]( | [
@cyruzin]( | [
@renanbastos93]( |
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