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A Java user-interface library with support for Minecraft.

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A Java user-interface library with support for Minecraft.




# `interfaces`

_Building interfaces since 2021._

`interfaces` is a builder-style user interface library designed to make creation of flexible user interfaces as easy as possible.

> This library is currently in a state of constant breaking changes. The API has yet to be finalized, so please keep this in mind when considering using `interfaces`.

## Packages

[`interfaces-core`]( provides the core API classes.

[`interfaces-paper`]( implements `interfaces` using the [Paper Minecraft server API]( This package
provides the
capability to construct a variety of Minecraft-based interfaces, including text, inventory (i.e. chests), and books.

## Terminology

#### Interface

An interface is the main class that you'll be interacting with. Interfaces hold a series of transformations and other values that
can be used to construct an InterfaceView.

#### InterfaceView ("view")

An InterfaceView represents a 'rendered' interface. An InterfaceView holds one pane and one InterfaceViewer.

#### InterfaceViewer ("viewer")

An InterfaceViewer represents an object that can view an interface. InterfaceViewers are provided panes to view.

#### Pane

A pane holds a collection of elements that make up the visual aspect of an interface.

#### Transform

A transformation ("transform") operates on a type of pane to add, remove, or change elements. Transformations are used to interact
with panes.

## Usage

Snapshots of this repository are hosted at

Gradle example:

repositories() {
// ...
// ...

dependencies() {

## Examples

Creating an interface

This code creates a chest interface with one row, a background fill, an ItemStackElement containing information about the
player, and utilizes an argument provider. This element also tracks how many times it has been clicked.

ChestInterface infoInterface = ChestInterface.builder()
// This interface will have one row.
// This interface will update every five ticks.
.updates(true, 5)
// Cancel all inventory click events
// Fill the background with black stained glass panes
ItemStackElement.of(new ItemStack(Material.BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE))
// Add some information to the pane
.addTransform((pane, view) -> {
// Get the view arguments
// (Keep in mind - these arguments may be coming from a Supplier, so their values can change!)
final String time = view.arguments().get(ArgumentKey.of("time", String.class));
final Player player = view.arguments().get(ArgumentKey.of("player", Player.class));
final Integer clicks = view.arguments().get(ArgumentKey.of("clicks", Integer.class));

ItemStack itemStack = new ItemStack(Material.PAPER);
ItemMeta itemMeta = itemStack.getItemMeta();

itemMeta.displayName(Component.text("Item Name", NamedTextColor.GREEN));
ArrayList lore = new ArrayList<>();
lore.add(Component.text("Line 1"));
lore.add(Component.text("Clicks: " + clicks));

// Return a pane with
return pane.element(ItemStackElement.of(itemStack,
// Handle click
(clickHandler) -> {
final HashMapInterfaceArguments arguments = HashMapInterfaceArguments
.with(ArgumentKey.of("clicks", Integer.class), (clickHandler.view().arguments().get(ArgumentKey.of("clicks", Integer.class))) + 1)
.with(ArgumentKey.of("player", Player.class), clickHandler.view().arguments().get(ArgumentKey.of("player", Player.class))).build();

clickHandler.view().backing().open(clickHandler.viewer(), arguments);
), 4, 0);
// Set the title
.title(Component.text("interfaces demo"))
// Build the interface

Showing the interface to a player

This code shows the interface created in the previous example being shown to a viewer.
As the interface uses arguments, we can pass in supplier functions to the interface argument.

// Open the interface to the player.,
// Create a HashMapInterfaceArgument with a time argument set to a
// supplier that returns the current time printed all nice and pretty.
.with(ArgumentKey.of("player", Player.class), player)
.with(ArgumentKey.of("time", String.class), () -> {
DateTimeFormatter dtf = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
LocalDateTime now =;
return dtf.format(now);
.with(ArgumentKey.of("clicks", Integer.class), 0).build()

[Video of the result of this code in Minecraft](

_Note: these examples may not reflect the latest version of the `interfaces` API._

Further examples can be found here:

## Credits

Thanks to [kyori]( and their [`adventure` text library](

Thanks to [broccolai]( for letting me steal his entire Gradle project setup.