
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

This is a Microverse Module 2 JavaScript project. In this project, a book list is created using ES6.

css html javascript

Last synced: 17 days ago
JSON representation

This is a Microverse Module 2 JavaScript project. In this project, a book list is created using ES6.





# Awesome-books

This is a web site for storing books and authors.

# Screen Shots

## Desktop Version


## Built With ♥

- JavaScript

## Live Demo

[Ckeckout The live Site here](

## Getting started

to run the project locally, clone the project using the command

`git clone [email protected]:aboongm/es6-awesomebooks.git`

### Run test

navigate in to the project directory, from GitHub,
to test or run the application double click on the `index.html` file to open in your browser

## Authors

👤 **Ranjit Luwang**

- GitHub: [@aboongm](
- Twitter: [@John_luang1](
- LinkedIn: [LinkedIn](

## 🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the [issues page](../../issues/).

## Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!

## Acknowledgments

- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
- Microverse program
- My standup team
- Microverse team
- My family's support