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Bitter IRC is a streamlined IRC library specifically designed for Twitch IRC servers written in Go (golang).

bot twitch twitch-irc

Last synced: 8 days ago
JSON representation

Bitter IRC is a streamlined IRC library specifically designed for Twitch IRC servers written in Go (golang).




# BitterBot IRC Client

Bitter IRC is a streamlined IRC library specifically designed for Twitch's IRC servers.
To see an example application go [here](

## Example
import ""

// Your OAuth Key
oauthKey := "my_oauth_key"
// Your account username
username := "fred_bot"
// The channel you'd like to listen to
channelName := "awesome_streamer"
// Use TLS
tls := true

// Create a new channel by supplying the necessary info and the Logger digester.
channel := birc.NewTwitchChannel(channelName, username, oauthKey, tls, birc.Logger)

// Connect estblishes the underlying TCP connection
err := channel.Connect()
if err != nil {
// Handle error

// Authenticate will send the proper credentials and join the channel.
err := channel.Authenticate()
if err != nil {
// Handle error

// Listen begins listening on the channel and handling messages. It is blocking,
// so you may want to wrap it in a go routine if you intend to continue executing
// on the current thread.
err := channel.Listen()
if err != nil {
// Channel eventually had an error.

## Digesters
Digesters are simply functions used to handle incoming IRC messages. They have the signature:
type Digester func(m Message, c ChannelWriter)

You can pass in any number of digesters to the NewTwitchChannel function. They **MUST** be threadsafe as
they will be called by multiple go routines. An example of the Logger digester:

func Logger(m Message, w ChannelWriter) {
if m.Username != "" && m.Content != "" {
fmt.Printf("\n%s %s: %s", m.Time.Format(timeFormat), m.Username, m.Content)

You can see the Logger digester just prints a formatted string to stdout if the message has a username and
some sort of content.

The ChannelWriter is an interface that represents a channel you can write to via the Send function.

// Simply checks if the content of someone's message is !command. If so then
// the digester replies in the channel with "Executing command!".
if m.Content == "!command" {
w.Send("Executing command!")

The ChannelWriter also supports SendMessage. You can send any message struct
via this function.

message := &birc.Message{
Command: "PONG",
Content: "",

err := w.SendMessage(message)

The ChannelWriter also supports retrieving the Channel's configuration.

config := w.GetConfig()

The Message struct passed into each digester:
type Message struct {
Name string
Username string
Content string
Command string
Host string
Params []string
Time time.Time