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React typeahead with Bootstrap styling

bootstrap react typeahead

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React typeahead with Bootstrap styling




# React Bootstrap Typeahead

A [React]( typeahead that relies on [Bootstrap]( for styling and was originally inspired by Twitter's [typeahead.js]( It supports both single- and multi-selection and is compliant with [WAI-ARIA authoring practices]( Try the [live examples](

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[![MIT License](](

Please note that documentation and examples apply to the most recent release and may no longer be applicable if you're using an outdated version.

## Installation

npm install --save react-bootstrap-typeahead


yarn add react-bootstrap-typeahead

Include the module in your project:

import { Typeahead } from 'react-bootstrap-typeahead'; // ES2015
var Typeahead = require('react-bootstrap-typeahead').Typeahead; // CommonJS

#### UMD Build

Development and production builds are included in the NPM package. Alternatively, you can get them from [CDNJS]( or [unpkg](

## Documentation

- [Basic Usage](docs/
- [Data](docs/
- [Filtering](docs/
- [Rendering](docs/
- [Public Methods](docs/
- [API & Props](docs/
- [Upgrade Guide](docs/

## CSS

While the component relies primarily on Bootstrap, some additional styling is needed. You should include the provided CSS file in your project:

// Import as a module in your JS
import 'react-bootstrap-typeahead/css/Typeahead.css';




### Bootstrap 5
In an effort to support Bootstrap 5, this package also contains a CSS file named `Typeahead.bs5.css` that should be included alongside the base CSS file above.

## Examples

Try the [live examples](, which also include code samples. If you'd like to modify the examples, clone the repository and run `npm install` and `npm start` to build the example file. You can then open the HTML file locally in your browser.

You can also try out the following sandbox examples:

- [Windowing with large data sets](
- [Asynchronous pagination](
- [Combobox](
- [Validation and feedback](
- [Custom loader & clear button](
- [Multi-select with reorderable drag & drop tokens](
- [Keep the menu open during multi-selection](
- [Single-select with floating label (BS5)](

If you have an example use case that would be useful to others, please create a sandbox and submit a pull request to add it to the list!

## Browser Support

Recent versions of the following browsers are supported:

- Chrome
- Firefox
- Edge
- Safari

Special thanks to [BrowserStack]( for providing cross-browser testing support.


## License
