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🎣 A webhook to forward GitHub/GitLab events to StreamLabs Alerts and Twitch Chat

github github-webhook hacktoberfest streamlabs streamlabs-alerts twitch twitch-bot

Last synced: 8 days ago
JSON representation

🎣 A webhook to forward GitHub/GitLab events to StreamLabs Alerts and Twitch Chat




# webhook

[![All Contributors](](#contributors-)

![Node.js CI](

## Goal

A webhook to forward GitHub and GitLab events to StreamLabs Alerts and Twitch Chat.

This is a tool created with live-coding streamers in mind. The goal is to have another source of
interaction and showcase relevant activity on GitHub to their audience on streaming platforms
generating more interest in their Open Source projects.

![StreamDevs Webhook Demo](

## Features

### GitHub

We support the following events:

- Stars
- Forks
- Releases
- Issues
- Opened
- Assigned
- Pull Requests
- Opened
- Merged

### GitLab

At the moment GitLab's webhooks don't support as many events. So far, we support:

- Merge Request
- Opened
- Merged

## Setup

There are a few requirements for the integration to work.

- [ ] Your webhook is on a server, running 24/7
- [ ] Your webhook is able to receive HTTP requests from GitHub/GitLab.
- [ ] Your repository (and/or user/organisation) on GitHub/GitLab is configured to notify your

You can deploy this webhook in different ways

### Deploy to Heroku


### Deploy to your own server

0. Get the source code
git clone
1. Change into the source code directory
cd webhook
2. Install the dependencies with yarn (or alternative you can use `npm`)

yarn install

3. Create a .env file with your (configuration)[#configuration] and the edit it
cp .env.example .env
4. Compile the project to JavaScript
yarn build
5. Run the start command
yarn run start
6. You should see your webhook running on the port specified in the configuration below

## Configuration

We make use of the following environment variables:

| Variable | Setting | Mandatory | Default |
| ------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | --------------- |
| PORT | Where the HTTP server should listen. | No | `8080` |
| STREAMLABS_TOKEN | A token to use the StreamLabs API. You can get one by using [StreamDevs/streamlabs-token]( | No | _empty_ |
| TWITCH_BOT_NAME | The account (username) that the chatbot uses to send chat messages. | No | _empty_ |
| TWITCH_BOT_TOKEN | The token to authenticate your chatbot. Generate this with, while logged in to your chatbot account. The token will be an alphanumeric string. | No | _empty_ |
| TWITCH_BOT_CHANNEL | The Twitch channel name where you want to run the bot. Usually this is your main Twitch account. | No | _empty_ |
| NOTIFY_ISSUES_ASSIGNED_TO | A comma-separated list of GitHub user names. Only issues assigned to these users will be notified or leave it empty to receive all notifications. | No | _empty array_ |
| IGNORE_PR_OPENED_BY | A comma-separated list of GitHub user names. Only PR not opened by these users will be notified or leave it empty to receive all notifications. | No | _empty array_ |
| NOTIFY_CHECK_RUNS_FOR | Comma-separated list of branches to notify Check Runs for. Leave empty to notify for any branch | No | _empty_ _array_ |

### GitHub Configuration

#### Repositories

0. Open your repository settings on GitHub.
1. Go to the **Webhooks** section.
2. Click on **Add webhook**.
3. On the **Payload** field, enter the GitHub endpoint for your deployed webhook. For example ``.
4. For **Content type** we want to select `application/json`.
5. On **Which events would you like to trigger this webhook?** select `Let me select individual events`.
6. On the list of events check any of the [supported events](#github)
7. Make sure the `Active` checkbox is checked
8. Click on `Add webhook`
9. You will receive your first notification on Twitch Chat and StreamLabs letting you now your webhook has been configured correctly.

#### Sponsorships

[Check the GitHub documentation](

### GitLab Configuration

0. Open your repository settings on GitLab.
1. Go to the **Settings/Webhooks** section.
2. On the **URL** field, enter the GitLab endpoint for your deployed webhook. For example ``.
3. On the list of **Trigger** you can activate any of the [supported events](#gitlab)
4. Click on `Add webhook`

## Contributing

Everyone is welcome to contribute to this repository. To do so follow these steps:

- Open an [Issue]( with your idea and label it using the `idea` tag
- Open a [pull request]( and reference your original issue
- Make sure your PR includes proper tests
- Be on the lookout for requested changes or clarifications during the Code Review
- Once your PR is reviewed and merged, we'll add you to [the contributors list](#contributors-)

### Deploying to Heroku

You can use the "[deploy to Heroku](#deploy-to-heroku)" button or use the Heroku CLI

### Configuring your local repo to deploy on Heroku

- Install the [Heroku CLI](
- Log in to Heroku with `heroku login`
- Open the Heroku dashboard for your app
- Go to the settings tab
- Under **App Information**, copy the **Heroku git Url**
- Add a new git remote with `git remote add heroku your-https-git-repo-goes-here`

### Deploying changes to a Heroku app using the CLI

Push to the master branch on Heroku with `git push heroku master`

Note that you can deploy a different branch to Heroku, but it will only deploy the remote master branch. To deploy a
local branch you can run `git push heroku your-branch-here:master` so that your branch overrides the _master_ branch on Heroky.

## Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](

Orestes Carracedo






Hugo Perez Fernandez




This project follows the [all-contributors]( specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

## License

This project is under the [CC-BY 4.0]( license