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Utility functions for Twitch Extension Backend Services (EBS)

authentication backend ebs jsonwebtoken jwt service tokens twitch twitchtv validation

Last synced: 8 days ago
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Utility functions for Twitch Extension Backend Services (EBS)




# twitch-ebs-tools

> **As of 16 March 2023 this project is no longer maintained or updated.**

Pack of useful functions for Twitch Extension Backend Services (EBS). It provides Twitch JWT verification methods and various validation strategies.

Primarily intended as a backend for a [Fastify plugin]( for my [StarCraft II Twitch extension](, it can also be used as a standalone package or ported to other Node servers. Internally it uses [jsonwebtoken]( for validating JWT tokens issued by Twitch.

## Install

npm install twitch-ebs-tools

## Manual build

git clone
cd twitch-ebs-tools
npm install
npm run build

## Access via CDN

Twitch-ebs-tools is also available as UMD module and it can be accessed via CDN:

// Using jsDelivr:

// Using unpkg:


## Basic usage

### Initialization

For methods starting with `validate` class initialization is needed:

const { TwitchEbsTools } = require("twitch-ebs-tools");

* Or using TypeScript / ES6 import:
* import { TwitchEbsTools } from 'twitch-ebs-tools';

const twitchEbs = new TwitchEbsTools("twitch shared secret");

Methods starting with `verify` are static, as they don't rely on Twitch shared secret.


const { TwitchEbsTools } = require("twitch-ebs-tools");

const payload = new TwitchEbsTools("twitch shared secret").validateToken(

const validChannelId = TwitchEbsTools.verifyChannelId(payload, "123456789");
// true / false

### validateToken(token)

Validates Twitch token by passing it to [verify]( method of `jsonwebtoken`. Returns decoded Twitch payload or throws an error for invalid token.

It is the most basic method that serves as a basis for more granular strategies.

const { TwitchEbsTools } = require("twitch-ebs-tools");

const twitchEbs = new TwitchEbsTools("twitch shared secret");

const twitchPayload = twitchEbs.validateToken(token);

console.log(twitchPayload); // decoded Twitch payload

### validatePermission(token, channelId, roles, ignoreExpiration?)

Validates whether supplied Twitch token:

- can be verified correctly as issued by Twitch (using `validateToken` method)
- contains correct channel ID
- contains correct channel role

const { TwitchEbsTools } = require("twitch-ebs-tools");

const twitchEbs = new TwitchEbsTools("twitch shared secret");

const permissionValid = twitchEbs.validatePermission("token", "123456789", [

console.log(permissionValid); // true or false


- `token` - JWT token issued by Twitch as string
- `channelId` - Twitch channel ID used for validating the Twitch token
- `role` - Twitch role(s) to be used for validating supplied token. It accepts strings (e.g. `viewer`) or arrays of string (e.g. `['viewer', 'broadcaster']`). In case of arrays one of the roles is needed to pass the validation
- `ignoreExpiration` (optional) - when `true`, token expiration time will not be checked

## Static methods

The following methods require decoded Twitch payload as one of their parameters. Payload can be supplied with `validateToken` method or passed as a variable from an outside source.

Static methods can be used pretty much out-of-the-box. They are intended to be helpful while building more detailed validation strategies and integrate easily with other tools.

### verifyChannelId(payload, channelId)

Verifies whether supplied Twitch payload contains channel ID passed as a `string` parameter. Returns `true` / `false`. If Twitch payload is malformed, it returns `false`.

const { TwitchEbsTools } = require("twitch-ebs-tools");

const payload = new TwitchEbsTools("twitch shared secret").validateToken(

const validChannelId = TwitchEbsTools.verifyChannelId(payload, "123456789");
// true / false

### verifyTokenNotExpired(payload)

Verifies whether supplied Twitch payload is time valid by comparing `exp` property with current server time. Twitch tokens are valid for one hour since being issued.

const { TwitchEbsTools } = require("twitch-ebs-tools");

const payload = new TwitchEbsTools("twitch shared secret").validateToken(

const tokenNotExpired = TwitchEbsTools.verifyTokenNotExpired(payload);
// true / false

### verifyRole(payload, role)

Verifies whether supplied Twitch payload contains valid role. It accepts Twitch role (`viewer` or `broadcaster`) as string.

const { TwitchEbsTools } = require("twitch-ebs-tools");

const payload = new TwitchEbsTools("twitch shared secret").validateToken(

const correctRole = TwitchEbsTools.verifyRole(payload, "viewer");
// true / false

### verifyChannelIdAndRole(payload, channelId, role)

Verifies whether supplied Twitch payload contains valid channel id and role. It accepts Twitch channel ID as string and Twitch role (`viewer` or `broadcaster`) as string.

const { TwitchEbsTools } = require("twitch-ebs-tools");

const payload = new TwitchEbsTools("twitch shared secret").validateToken(

const correctChannelIdAndRole = TwitchEbsTools.verifyChannelIdAndRole(
// true / false

### verifyBroadcaster(payload)

Verifies whether supplied Twitch payload contains valid broadcaster role. This method is useful for verifying broadcaster-only routes (e.g. Twitch extension configuration sections).

Note that this only checks for a Twitch `broadcaster` role and does not perform any further checks.

const { TwitchEbsTools } = require("twitch-ebs-tools");

const payload = new TwitchEbsTools("twitch shared secret").validateToken(

const correctBroadcasterRole = TwitchEbsTools.verifyBroadcaster(payload);
// true / false

### verifyViewerOrBroadcaster(payload)

Verifies whether supplied Twitch payload contains either `broadcaster` (Twitch channel owner) or `viewer` (channel viewer) role. This method is useful for verifying public routes (e.g. Twitch extension panels).

**Note that checking for both roles is necessary for the extensions to work correctly.** If you validate panel route against `viewer` route only, the extension will not work correctly for channel broadcaster.

Note that this only checks for Twitch `broadcaster` or `viewer` roles and does not perform any further checks.

const { TwitchEbsTools } = require("twitch-ebs-tools");

const payload = new TwitchEbsTools("twitch shared secret").validateToken(

const correctViewerOrBroadcasterRole =
// true / false

## Legal

This project is not authored, affiliated or endorsed in any way by