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Twitch messaging in Kotlin - Simple DSL for interacting with Twitch chat

kotlin kotlin-dsl kotlin-js kotlin-jvm multiplatform twitch twitch-irc

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Twitch messaging in Kotlin - Simple DSL for interacting with Twitch chat




# TmiK
[![Codacy Badge](](
**T**witch **m**essaging **i**n **K**otlin
Simple DSL for interacting with Twitch chat

**See the [Documentation]( for more information**

## State
Only **JVM** and **JS** are targeted but I hope I will be able to add **Native** in the future.

## Example
Example of simple bot
tmi(token) {
+ Reconnect(5) // Tries to reconnect for five times if network fails (and re-joins all channels)

channel("MyChannel") {

// Convenient way of listening to commands
commands('!') {
moderators {
"uptime" receive { // on "!uptime" command from moderator
sendMessage("Stream has been running for ${getUptime()} minutes")

"|h,help|" {
onReceive { // on "!h" or "!help"
// Whisper back to user who sent the command using context
whisper("Psst, ask me about shedule using \"!schedule {day}\"")
"schedule {day}" receive { paramaters -> // e.g. "!h schedule monday
val day = paramaters["day"]
sendMessage("Stream starts in ${getShedule(day)} on $day")

// Or use just plain old listeners

onMessage {
println("Message from channel $channel received: $text")

subscribers {
onSubGift {
sendMessage("Awwww, subs giving subs <3")

onRaid {
sendMessage("Hello ${message.sourceDisplayName}! Thanks for the raid!")

onConnected { join("mychannel") }

## Installation
You can download this library from bintray
repositories {
maven { url "" }

dependencies {
implementation "com.tmik:TmiK-jvm:$version" // For JVM
// OR
implementation "com.tmik:TmiK-js:$version" // For JS