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A simple program written in python and built on pyglet, used to display fightstick inputs on screen for streaming and testing purposes

fighting-game fightstick-display gamepad linux-streaming pyglet python streaming twitch

Last synced: 8 days ago
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A simple program written in python and built on pyglet, used to display fightstick inputs on screen for streaming and testing purposes




# Fightstick Display
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**A simple program written in python to display fightstick inputs.**
# Screenshots

# Prerequisites :heavy_check_mark:
* python(3.7+)

# Installation & Usage 💾
* Clone the git
`git clone`
* If you desire, make a launcher with or as the startup script.
* Most fightsticks will be mapped correctly by default, but if yours is not
simply open the **theme/layout.ini** or **theme/layouthb.ini** file and tinker with it until its mapped correctly.
Usually only the rt/lt/rb/lb buttons get mixed up a little. If your fightstick is not detected
at all, **[let us know by clicking here!](!&body=My%20Gamepad%20Make:%0A%0AMy%20Gamepad%20Model:%0A)**
* For troubleshooting, launch the program with "-D", "-d" or "--debug" to print button values to the terminal for troubleshooting: `python3 --debug` or `python3 --debug`
* You can also use your own images for all items, and if you like different color buttons, just be sure to edit the image names to match in the main program
* Enjoy

# Current Version 📰
**Version 2.0** **[Watch it in action here](**
# Contributors: :busts_in_silhouette:
* [calexil](
* [benmoran56](

# Donate :heavy_dollar_sign:
This software is provided free of charge, but it certainly took time and effort to make, please consider
* [Making a donation]( to support the project, and my other works.