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Among Us Discord Bot | Discord bot for controlling voice channels during Among Us matches

among-us amongus bot discord discord-bot docker

Last synced: 17 days ago
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Among Us Discord Bot | Discord bot for controlling voice channels during Among Us matches




Discord bot for controlling voice channels during Among Us matches

Click here to add Amongcord to your server


## Commands

| Command | Aliases | Description |
| `,add` | `,invite` | Shows the bot's invite link |
| `,alive ` | `,a` | Marks a player as alive |
| `,dead ` | `,d` | Marks a player as dead. Dead players are kept muted during the discussion stage. |
| `,discussion` | `,ds` | Sets the stage to discussion, unmutes everyone who is alive |
| `,endgame` | `,eg` | Ends the current game |
| `,forcejoin <@mention>` | `,fj` | Forcibly adds someone to the current game |
| `,github` | `,gh` | Links to the bot's GitHub page |
| `,help` | `,h` | Lists all of the bot's commands |
| `,host` | | Sets you as the game host so only you can control the bot |
| `,join ` | `,j` | Joins the current game as a color |
| `,joinall` | `,ja` | Adds everyone in the voice channel to the game as a random color. |
| `,kick ` | `,k` | Removes a player from the game |
| `,leave` | `,l` | Leaves the current game |
| `,lobby` | `,lb` | Sets the stage to Lobby, marks everyone as alive and unmutes them |
| `,newgame` | `,ng` | Starts a new game |
| `,players` | `,p` | Lists all players in the current game |
| `,setcolor <@mention>` | `,sc`,`,changecolor`,`,cc` | Set the color of a player in your game |
| `,sync` | `,s` | Lets you control the bot through your phone |
| `,tasks` | `,ts` | Sets the stage to tasks and mutes everyone |
| `,unhost` | | Exits "host mode" and frees you from being the host |

###### **\*** aliases have not been implemented yet.

## Support server

## Self-hosting

If you prefer you run the bot yourself instead of using the [hosted instance](, you can either use **Docker** or **clone the repository directly**. For both methods, you'll need a [bot token]( and the ID of a server that has the [emojis the bot needs]( (the bot needs to be in the server).

### Docker

Images are automatically built and pushed to [Docker Hub]( whenever the source code changes. You can run your own instance of the bot with the command below:

$ docker run -e DISCORD_TOKEN= GUILD_ID= -d pedrofracassi/amongcord

### Cloning directly

Although not recommended for production, cloning the repository should work just fine for experimental purposes. If you want to, you can use a process manager like [pm2]( to keep the node process running, but bear in mind that **I don't run the bot this way and probably won't be able to help you out.**

1. Clone the repository
> `git clone`
2. Enter the directory you just cloned into
> `cd amongcord`
3. Install the dependencies
> `npm install`
4. Set the **DISCORD_TOKEN** and **GUILD_ID** environment variables
5. Run the bot
> `node src/.`

## Similar projects

- [AmongUsBot]( - automatically detects tasks/discussion stages with OCR instead of using commands, but needs to be installed on someone's computer.
- [amongusdiscord]( - same as above, but written in Go. Easier to install as prebuilt executables are provided.