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A flexible command line tool for instantly deploying user interfaces for simple commands and scripts.

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A flexible command line tool for instantly deploying user interfaces for simple commands and scripts.




# Suitcase

*A flexible command line tool for instantly deploying user interfaces for simple commands and scripts.*

[![GitHub release (latest SemVer)](]( ![Platform: macOS 10.15]( ![Twitter Follow]( ![Twitter Follow](

Suitcase is a command line tool that can be *"programmed"* to display a [SwiftUI]( interface that can trigger commands and scripts.

[🧳 Suitcase Direct Download](

It's similar to [Shortcuts](, but for macOS and driven by the command line.

![Suitcase Demo Reel](./Resources/Hero.gif)

### First Class Mac Citizen

Because of its [SwiftUI]( underpinnings Suitcase is a first class Mac citizen. With out of the box support for, [Dark Mode](, [Menubars]( and [Drag and Drop](

### Powerful

Its power and flexibility come form the tried and trusted UNIX command line. Anything you can do in Terminal you can do in Suitcase, but with a UI and export the command as a `.command` file, to check in with a project or [share with the world](

## Information

- [@SuitcaseCLI]( β€” Regular posts about updates and examples
- [The Bazaar]( β€” Examples and documentation
- [Impedimenta]( β€” Blog posts, links and related projects
- [@ImpedimentaCode]( β€” Infrequent posts about other projects and tools
- [@rjstelling]( β€” Frequent, irrelevant mostly technology and politics, open DMs

## Command-Line Utility

### Usage

OVERVIEW: A flexible command line tool for instantly deploying user interfaces
for simple commands and scripts.

USAGE: Suitcase

--version Show the version.
-h, --help Show help information.

basic Launch a basic Suitcase process, that has a main menu
and an icon in the Dock when running.
utility Launch a utility Suitcase process, without a Dock
icon or main menu.

#### Suitcase `basic`

A `basic` Suitcase process has a [main menu]( and an [icon in the Dock]( when running.

See the [full documentation](./

#### Suitcase utility

A `utility` Suitcase process does not have a Dock icon or main menu. It consists of just a [main window](

See the [full documentation](./

### Examples

These examples are very basic but should give you a good idea of how you can use Suitcase. More details examples can be found at the [Bazaar]( If you have any questions please [create an issue]( If you create a command and you'd like to share it, [open a PR at the Bazaar](

#### Hello World

[![Hello World](./Resources/Hello-World-Example.png)](

A simple example consisting of one button that when clicked calls the `say` command. [Watch the video of this example in action](, there is a [detailed `say` example]( at the [Suitcase Bazaar](

πŸ“ Code

$ Suitcase --name="Demo App" --window-title="Hello World" \
--window-width="200" --window-height="200" \
--control-type="label" --control-title="Give a face to every voice…" \
--control-type="button" \
--control-title="πŸ—£ Say hello" \
--control-action="/usr/bin/say Hello World"

#### War Games

![War Games](./Resources/War-Games-Example.png)

A more advanced example using buttons and passing parameters to the `say` command. A [detailed explanation of War Games]( can be found at the [Suitcase Bazaar](

πŸ“ Code

$ Suitcase --name="War Games" \
--control-title="Shall we play a game?" \
--control-type="text-field" \
--control-identifier="say.textfield" \
--control-title="Daniel" \
--control-type="button" \
--control-group-identifier="g.btns" \
--control-action="/usr/bin/say" \
--control-action-parameter="-v,Daniel,say.textfield" \
--control-title="Samantha" \
--control-type="button" \
--control-group-identifier="g.btns" \
--control-action="/usr/bin/say" \
--control-action-parameter="-v,Samantha,say.textfield" \
--control-title="Veena" \
--control-type="button" \
--control-group-identifier="g.btns" \
--control-action="/usr/bin/say" \

#### Menus


This example shows how to create menus and sub-menus. Actions can be attached to any menu item the same way as `button`s. [Watch the video of this example in action.](

Menu items can also be assigned a keyboard shortcut. See the [full documentation](./ for more details.

πŸ“ Code

$ Suitcase --name="Demo App" --window-title="Menus" \
--control-title="UUID" \
--control-type="label" --control-identifier="com.label.uuid" \
--menu-title="Action>Generate>UUID" \
--menu-action="/usr/bin/uuidgen" \
--menu-action-destination="com.label.uuid" \
--menu-title="Action>Copy UUID" \
--menu-shortcut="k" \
--menu-action="/usr/bin/printenv com.label.uuid | /usr/bin/pbcopy"

#### Hidden Files & Folders

[![Hidden Files & Folders](./Resources/Hide-Example.png)](

This is a more involved example that uses `defaults` to read the macOS user defaults system and use `sed` to set a state `label`. [Watch the video of this example in action.](

πŸ“ Code

$ Suitcase --name="Hidden Finder Settings" \
--control-title="Hidden Files & Folders:" \
--control-group-identifier="com.finder.hidden" \
--control-type="label" \
--control-title="unknown" \
--control-group-identifier="com.finder.hidden" \
--control-type="label" \
--control-identifier="com.label.hidden.state" \
--control-title="Refresh" \
--control-group-identifier="com.finder.hidden" \
--control-type="button" \
--control-action="/usr/bin/defaults read AppleShowAllFiles | /usr/bin/sed s/1/Visible/g;s/0/Hidden/g" \
--control-action-destination="com.label.hidden.state" \
--control-title="Enable" \
--control-type="button" \
--control-group-identifier="com.finder.hidden.buttons" \
--control-action="/usr/bin/defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool TRUE & /usr/bin/killall Finder" \
--control-title="Disable" \
--control-type="button" \
--control-group-identifier="com.finder.hidden.buttons" \
--control-action="/usr/bin/defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool FALSE & /usr/bin/killall Finder"

This is how the command would be run in Terminal.

$ defaults read AppleShowAllFiles | sed 's/1/Visible/g;s/0/Hidden/g'

The button uses `&` to run two commands, one to write to the user defaults and the second to relaunch the Finder:

$ defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool TRUE

Kill the Finder and relaunch:

$ killall Finder

## Suitcase

### Export as a `.command`

Any Suitcase command can be exported as a self running `.command` file. You can double click this file to launch the Suitcase or share the file (it's just plain text).

![Export Command](./Resources/export-screenshot.png)

## Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Please [create an issue](

## Contact

Releases and News ([@SuitcaseCLI](
Richard Stelling ([@rjstelling](

## Thanks to

- [Dave Verwer]( at [iOS Dev Weekly](