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A full-stack dApp starter built on Ethereum (Solidity) with Next.js (React).

Last synced: 3 months ago
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A full-stack dApp starter built on Ethereum (Solidity) with Next.js (React).




# Solidity Next.js Starter

A starter repository for building full stack Ethereum dApps with [Solidity]( and [Next.js](

This code is for anyone looking to quickly bootstrap an EVM dApp using modern best practices. In particular, developers with existing JavaScript/TypeScript experience who're newer to Solidity.

If you want to learn how to interact with a simple smart contract from the client side, this repository is for you.

![Solidity + Next.js Starter](./screenshot.png)

- [Get started](#getting-started)
- [Read changelog](./

## Packages

### Contracts

`packages/contracts` - All smart contract files.

#### Contracts Stack

- [Alchemy](
- [Hardhat](
- [Mocha](
- [Chai](
- [Solidity](
- [TypeScript](
- [Prettier](

#### Contracts Scripts

- `yarn start` - Starts your local Hardhat network
- `yarn test` - Tests `Greeter.sol`'s functionality
- `yarn deploy` - Deploys `Greeter.sol` to your local Hardhat network
- `yarn deploy:sepolia` - Deploys `Greeter.sol` to the Sepolia test network
- `yarn format` - Formats all code using Prettier

### App

`packages/app` - All client application files.

#### App Stack

- [Alchemy](
- [Next.js](
- [Tailwind CSS](
- [viem](
- [wagmi](
- [RainbowKit](
- [TypeScript](
- [Prettier](

#### App Scripts

- `yarn dev` - Starts the Next.js local development environment
- `yarn build` - Creates an optimised production build of your app
- `yarn start` - Starts the Next.js application in production mode
- `yarn lint` - Checks for problems in your code using ESLint
- `yarn format` - Formats all code using Prettier

## Prerequisites

- [Node](
- [MetaMask](

## Getting Started

How to get running on your local machine:

### Initial Setup

Use `git clone` to clone this repository to your local machine.

Enter the repository folder with `cd solidity-nextjs-starter`, then install all dependencies using `yarn`.

Solidity Next.js Starter uses Yarn workspaces, so this will install the relevant dependencies for each packages in one command.

### Contracts Setup

Enter the `contracts` folder with `cd packages/contracts` and start your local hardhat node with `yarn start`. If you're successful, you'll be presented with a number of accounts (one of which you'll need later). Here's an example:

Account #0: 0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266 (10000 ETH)
Private Key: 0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80

In a new terminal window, deploy the `Greeter` contract using `yarn deploy`. If you're successful, you'll get a contract address (that you'll also need later) like this:

Greeter with greeting "Hello, world!" deployed to 0x5FbDB2315678afecb367f032d93F642f64180aa3

### App Setup

Enter the `app` folder with `cd packages/app` from the root directory.

You'll need a RainbowKit project ID. You can get one from [WalletConnect Cloud]( and it will look something like this: `206a512b7abd9c469123b45fb272b68e` (not a real key).

Afterwards, duplicate `.env.example` and rename the file `.env`. Then add your RainbowKit project ID like this: `NEXT_PUBLIC_RAINBOWKIT_PROJECT_ID=[your-project-id]`.

`NEXT_PUBLIC_CHAIN_ID` should already be set to the Hardhat local network ID of `31337` (change this when you want your app to run on other chains).

Finally, set `NEXT_PUBLIC_CONTRACT_ADDRESS` using the contract address you recieved when you deployed. For example: `NEXT_PUBLIC_CONTRACT_ADDRESS=0x5FbDB2315678afecb367f032d93F642f64180aa3`

Once your environment variables are set, run the application using `yarn dev`. To view, open up `localhost:3000` (or whatever port Next.js has assigned) in your browser.

### MetaMask Setup

To fully demo the apps' features, you'll need a web3 wallet extension. If you don't have MetaMask installed already, you can get it [here](

If you haven't used Hardhat before, you'll need to add a test account to write to the smart contract that you deployed. Do this by importing one of the accounts you noted down earlier to MetaMask using the accounts' private key (for example, `0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80`).

Once connected to the app with the test account, you can set a new greeting on the blockchain by using the form on page. You'll get a confirmation message if you're successful.

## Advanced

Instructions for deploying the smart contract and application to publically viewable environments:

### Advanced Contracts

Up to now, your smart contract has been running locally. The next step is to deploy it to a live test network. We'll use [Sepolia]( for this.

#### Deploying to Sepolia Testnet

First you need some Sepolia test ETH. You can get some from a [Sepolia Faucet](

In the `packages/contracts` directory, duplicate `.env.example` to `.env`. You'll need an [Alchemy API key]( and the private key of the wallet you'd like to deploy your Sepolia contract from. I recommend using a burner account that doesn't hold any valuable assets on other chains.

Set the environment variables like so:


Finally, run `yarn deploy:sepolia`. If you're successful, you'll get a message ike this in your terminal window:

Greeter with greeting "Hello, world!" deployed to 0xE47c47B1db8823BA54aae021cfce03b2d37B52a8

Here's a version of the contract I deployed earlier: [0xE47c47B1db8823BA54aae021cfce03b2d37B52a8](

#### Verifying Your Contract on Sepolia

Let's verify your newly deployed contract with Etherscan. First, get an Etherscan API key [here]( Then add it to your `.env` file:


Run `yarn verify:sepolia [your-contract-address] 'Hello, world!'` to verify your contract. Be sure to pass the address of the contract you just deployed and the constructor parameter, which in this case is the default greeting.

If you're successful, you'll get a message like this:

Successfully verified contract Greeter on the block explorer.

### Advanced App

Let's look at deploying your application.

#### Adding an Alchemy API Key

To interact with smart contracts on a testnet or mainnet from your app, you'll need an Alchemy API key. You can get one [here]( if you didn't get one earlier.

Add this to `.env` in `packages/app` like so:


This will let you point your front end at a publically viewable contract on a network like Sepolia or mainnet.

#### Deploying to Vercel

You can deploy the application to Vercel by clicking this button:

[![Deploy with Vercel](](

Be sure to deploy from the `packages/app` directory and set these environment variables:


Here's an app I deployed earlier: [](

## Why I Built This

I built this to onboard myself to web3. Since 2021, Solidity Next.js Starter has amassed 100s of GitHub stars and helped devs land dream gigs in the space.

![A tweet exchange](./why-i-built-this.png)

## Contributions

All suggestions for improvement are welcome. Please submit a [pull request]( to contribute.

## Disclaimer

All code in this repository is unaudited. Use at your own risk.