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Merges all imports into single file for solidity contracts

flattener merger one-file smart-contracts solidity

Last synced: 3 months ago
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Merges all imports into single file for solidity contracts




### Build status

![Build status](

### Quick Usage

const { merge } = require('sol-merger');

// Get the merged code as a string
const mergedCode = await merge('./contracts/MyContract.sol');
// Print it out or write it to a file etc.

### CLI Usage

Right now it only works with solidity files that are in `node_modules`
or relative to your solidity file.

Simple usage:

npm i --save-dev sol-merger

Then add following line to your `package.json`.

"scripts": {
"build-contracts": "sol-merger \"./contracts/*.sol\" ./build"

This will allow you to use `npm run build-contracts` in your project directory.

Note that contracts glob should be surrounded with `"`

If no output file specified then output file will be created at the same
directory and appended with `_merged` (by default), i.e. `MyContract_merged.sol`. You can also
change this behaviour by specifying `--append` option:

sol-merger --append _me "./contracts/*.sol"
sol-merger -a _me "./contracts/*.sol"

You may need to use `npm run` to invoke the program standalone, as in `npm run sol-merger`.

You can also get help via `--help` command

sol-merger -h
sol-merger --help

More info about `glob` available at [node-glob repository](

See tests for more examples.

# Post processing support

It is possible right now to write your own plugins to process exports.
Currently state is not used in plugins. To see available plugins
[take a look plugins page](

All default plugins are available via shortcut syntax using filename:

sol-merger --export-plugin SPDXLicenseRemovePlugin "test/contracts/*.sol" compiled

It is also possible to use external plugins via relative path to plugin
or path relative to `node_modules`:

sol-merger --export-plugin ./dist/lib/plugins/SPDXLicenseRemovePlugin.js "test/contracts/*.sol" compiled

sol-merger --export-plugin sol-merger/lib/plugins/SPDXLicenseRemovePlugin.js "test/contracts/*.sol" compiled

Note that file extension is required for plugin to be loaded.

# Additional root folders for searching contracts

By default, `sol-merger` only searches for contracts in the `node_modules` folder.
However, you can include additional root folders to search for contracts.
This can be done by passing a CLI argument or a parameter through the code.

If additional root folders are specified, `sol-merger` will first search for
the contract in the `node_modules` folder and then in the additional root folders.
Multiple folders can be included by passing a CLI argument multiple times.

Example of usage in CLI:

sol-merger --additional-root "./test/contracts/imports" "test/contracts/ImportWithAdditionalRoot.sol" compiled

Example of usage in code:

const merger = new Merger({
delimeter: '\n\n',
additionalRoots: ['./test/contracts/imports'],

# Debuging

It is possible to setup environment variable to see what is happening under the hood
when contracts are being compiled:

export DEBUG="sol-merger*"

# Plugin for VSCode

I created a plugin for `VSCode` so you can use it instead of `sol-merger`: [Solidity Contracts Merger](

Hope you will like it.