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DEPRECATED please see the below for details.




# Firebase JobDispatcher


## Status: Archived
This repository has been archived and is no longer maintained.

![status: inactive](


## Update: April 2019

**Last year, we announced Android Jetpack
WorkManager, the new job management system in Jetpack, incorporates the features
of Firebase Job Dispatcher (FJD) and Android’s
to provide a consistent job scheduling service back to api level 14 while
leveraging JobScheduler on newer devices. WorkManager works with or without
Google Play Services, which is something FJD cannot do. WorkManager was first
released to alpha in May 2018 and then went thru extensive iteration and
improvement based on developer feedback including 10 alphas; it moved to beta on
Dec 19, 2018, and was released to
[stable]( on
Mar 5, 2019. One thing the team has been discussing at some length is whether it
would be better for developers in the long run if we create one holistic
solution via WorkManager; where we can pool all of our efforts and also give
developers a single unified recommended path?**

**After careful evaluation, the team has decided to focus all of our efforts on
WorkManager and to deprecate Firebase Job Dispatcher. We have modified our plans
in direct response to developer feedback in order to make this as easy for you
as possible. We know that managing background work is a critical part of your
app and these changes impact you. We want to support you through this migration
as much as we can by giving you as much advance notice as possible to make these
changes. Firebase Job Dispatcher will be archived in github in about 1 year, on
Apr 7, 2020. Apps should migrate to WorkManager or an alternative job management
system before this date.**

**We’ve created a detailed
[migration guide](
to assist you in the transition to WorkManager. After Apr 7, 2020, this github
repository will be archived and support for FJD customer issues will stop.
Additionally, FJD will stop working once your app starts targeting an Android
version after Android Q.**

**We are continuing to invest in and add new features to WorkManager and welcome
any feedback or feature

The Firebase JobDispatcher is a library for scheduling background jobs in your
Android app. It provides a [JobScheduler][]-compatible API that works on all
recent versions of Android (API level 14+) that have Google Play services

## Overview

### What's a [JobScheduler][]?

The JobScheduler is an Android system service available on API levels 21
(Lollipop)+. It provides an API for scheduling units of work (represented by
[`JobService`][JobService] subclasses) that will be executed in your app's

### Why is this better than background services and listening for system broadcasts?

Running apps in the background is expensive, which is especially harmful when
they're not actively doing work that's important to the user. That problem is
multiplied when those background services are listening for frequently sent
broadcasts (`` and
`android.hardware.action.NEW_PICTURE` are common examples). Even worse, there's
no way of specifying prerequisites for these broadcasts. Listening for
`CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE` broadcasts does not guarantee that the device has an
active network connection, only that the connection was recently changed.

In recognition of these issues, the Android framework team created the
[JobScheduler][]. This provides developers a simple way of specifying runtime
constraints on their jobs. Available constraints include
[network type][js-network-type], [charging state][js-charging-state], and
[idle state][js-idle-state].

This library uses the scheduling engine inside
[Google Play services](formerly the [GCM Network Manager][nts] component) to
provide a backwards compatible (back to Gingerbread) [JobScheduler][]-like API.

This I/O presentation has more information on why background services can be
harmful and what you can do about them:

[![Android battery and memory optimizations][io-video-img]][io-video-link]

There's more information on upcoming changes to Android's approach to background
services on the [Android developer preview page][n-preview-bg-optimizations].


### Requirements

The FirebaseJobDispatcher currently relies on the scheduling component in Google
Play services. Because of that, it won't work on environments without Google
Play services installed.

### Comparison to other libraries

Library | Minimum API | Requires Google Play | Service API[1](#fn1) | Custom retry strategies
------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ---------------------- | ------------------------------- | -----------------------
Framework [JobScheduler][] | 21 | No | JobScheduler | Yes
Firebase JobDispatcher | 14 | Yes | JobScheduler | Yes
[evernote/android-job][] | 14 | No[2](#fn2) | Custom | Yes
Android [WorkManager][][3](#fn3) | 14 | No[2](#fn2) | Custom | Yes

1 Refers to the methods that need to be implemented in the
Service subclass.

2 Uses AlarmManager or JobScheduler to support API levels <= 21 if Google
Play services is unavailable.

3 Currently in alpha phase, soon to graduate to beta.

## Getting started

### Installation

Add the following to your `build.gradle`'s dependencies section:

implementation 'com.firebase:firebase-jobdispatcher:0.8.6'

### Usage

#### Writing a new JobService

The simplest possible `JobService`:

import com.firebase.jobdispatcher.JobParameters;
import com.firebase.jobdispatcher.JobService;

public class MyJobService extends JobService {
public boolean onStartJob(JobParameters job) {
// Do some work here

return false; // Answers the question: "Is there still work going on?"

public boolean onStopJob(JobParameters job) {
return false; // Answers the question: "Should this job be retried?"

#### Adding it to the manifest



#### Creating a Dispatcher

// Create a new dispatcher using the Google Play driver.
FirebaseJobDispatcher dispatcher = new FirebaseJobDispatcher(new GooglePlayDriver(context));

#### Scheduling a simple job

Job myJob = dispatcher.newJobBuilder()
.setService(MyJobService.class) // the JobService that will be called
.setTag("my-unique-tag") // uniquely identifies the job


#### Scheduling a more complex job

Bundle myExtrasBundle = new Bundle();
myExtrasBundle.putString("some_key", "some_value");

Job myJob = dispatcher.newJobBuilder()
// the JobService that will be called
// uniquely identifies the job
// one-off job
// don't persist past a device reboot
// start between 0 and 60 seconds from now
.setTrigger(Trigger.executionWindow(0, 60))
// don't overwrite an existing job with the same tag
// retry with exponential backoff
// constraints that need to be satisfied for the job to run
// only run on an unmetered network
// only run when the device is charging


#### Cancelling a job


#### Cancelling all jobs


## Contributing

See the []( file.

## Support

This library is actively supported by Google engineers. If you encounter any
problems, please create an issue in our [tracker][].

## License

Apache, see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file.

[Google Play services]: