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Kubernetes based Cloud Development Environments for Enterprise Teams

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Kubernetes based Cloud Development Environments for Enterprise Teams





### Eclipse Che Server has moved!

If you're looking for the sources of the Eclipse Che Server, it has been relocated here:

[![Eclipse Che - Eclipse Next-Generation IDE](](

**Platform for providing Kubernetes-based Cloud Development Environments for Enterprise Teams**

[![Eclipse License](](

*Che is Kubernetes-native and places everything the developer needs into containers in Kube pods including dependencies, embedded containerized runtimes, a web IDE, and project code. This makes workspaces distributed, collaborative, and portable to run anywhere Kubernetes runs ... [Read More](*

![Eclipse Che](


**Visit website at:** and documentation at:

- [**Getting Started**](#getting-started)
- [**Using Eclipse Che**](#using-eclipse-che)
- [**Feedback and Community**](#feedback-and-community)
- [**Contributing**](#contributing)
- [**Roadmap**](#roadmap)
- [**License**](#license)


### Getting Started
Here you can find links on how to get started with Eclipse Che:
- [Use Eclipse Che online](
- [Run Eclipse Che on your own Kubernetes cluster](

### Using Eclipse Che
Here you can find references to useful documentation and hands-on guides to learn how to get the most of Eclipse Che:
- [Customize Che workspaces for your projects](
- [Automatically run VSCode Extensions in Che workspaces](
- [Starting a workspace from a Git repository URL](
- [Making a workspace portable using a devfile](
- [Configure your instance of Che]( using the [CheCluster Kubernetes Custom Resource](
- [Use and customize the embedded VSCode extensions registry.](

### Feedback and Community
We love to hear from users and developers. Here are the various ways to get in touch with us:
* **Support:** You can ask questions, report bugs, and request features using [GitHub issues](
* **Public Chat:** Join the public [eclipse-che]( Mattermost channel to discuss with community and contributors.
* **Twitter:** [@eclipse_che](
* **Mailing List:** [[email protected]](
* **Weekly Meetings:** Join us in our [Che community meeting]( every second monday.

### Contributing
If you are interested in fixing issues and contributing directly to the code base:
- :bug: [Submitting bugs](
- :page_facing_up: [Contributor license agreement](
- :checkered_flag: [Development workflows](./
- :pencil: [Improve docs](
- :building_construction: [Che architecture](
- :octocat: [Che repositories](./
- :sparkles: [Good first issue for new contributors](

#### Extending Eclipse Che
- [Customize the default dev tooling container (the universal developer image or UDI).](
- [Customize the list of getting started samples.](
- [Add your own editor definition.](

### Roadmap
We maintain the [Che roadmap]( in the open way. We welcome anyone to ask question and contribute to the roadmap by joining our [community meetings](

### License
Che is open sourced under the Eclipse Public License 2.0.