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A vanilla TinyBase Vite template

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

A vanilla TinyBase Vite template




# vite-tinybase

This is a [Vite]( template for a simple
[TinyBase]( app.

## Instructions

1. Make a copy of this template into a new directory:

npx degit tinyplex/vite-tinybase my-tinybase-app

2. Go into the directory:

cd my-tinybase-app

3. Install the dependencies:

npm install

4. Run the application:

npm run dev

5. Go the URL shown and enjoy!


## Other templates

There are seven templates for TinyBase, of which this is one:

| | Template | Language | React | Plus |
| --- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- | ----- | ----------- |
| 👉 | [vite-tinybase]( | JavaScript | No | |
| | [vite-tinybase-ts]( | TypeScript | No | |
| | [vite-tinybase-react]( | JavaScript | Yes | |
| | [vite-tinybase-ts-react]( | TypeScript | Yes | |
| | [vite-tinybase-ts-react-crsqlite]( | TypeScript | Yes | CR-SQLite |
| | [tinybase-ts-react-partykit]( | TypeScript | Yes | PartyKit |
| | [tinybase-ts-react-electricsql]( | TypeScript | Yes | ElectricSQL |

## License

This template has no license, and so you can use it however you want!
[TinyBase]( and
[Vite]( themselves are both MIT