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Opinionated Vite + Vue 3 + TypeScript + Tailwind CSS starter template w/ tests and CI.

cypress-io postcss tailwindcss typescript vite vue

Last synced: about 1 month ago
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Opinionated Vite + Vue 3 + TypeScript + Tailwind CSS starter template w/ tests and CI.




# Vite + Vue 3 + Typescript + Tailwind Starter

Simple, opinionated, **fully typed**, and **production-ready** project template for Vite.

This template is **practical** and **batteries included** but not overly complex or bloated. Also explicit configuration over magic; it should be easy to understand how everything works, strip out anything you don't need, and fast to modify things to your needs.

Includes plenty of **examples and documentation** of how to do things but **minimal cruft** to delete to get you going.

Please [check out the homepage]( for full docs. A [detailed changelog](./ is available. This repository is also [mirrored on GitLab](

## Features

- Vue 3
- Pinia store (fully typed Vuex store is available up to template version 1.13)
- Routing using [vue-router 4](
- TypeScript 5
- Fully typed components configured in templates as well
- Automatic package and component imports w/ [unplugin-auto-import]( and [unplugin-vue-components](
- Tailwind CSS 3 w/ following plugins and configuration preinstalled:
- `@tailwindcss/aspect-ratio`
- `@tailwindcss/typography`
- `@tailwindcss/forms`
- [@egoist/tailwindcss-icons](
- PostCSS 8 w/ `postcss-nesting` plugin and `cssnano` for minimizing production CSS
- Eslint
- Prettier
- Alias `@` to `/src`
- Predefined and fully typed global variables:
- `VITE_APP_VERSION` is read from `package.json` version at build time
- `VITE_APP_BUILD_EPOCH` is populated as `new Date().getTime()` at build time
- Vitest unit + component tests with code coverage
- GitHub workflows
- Renovatebot for keeping up with dependencies
- Automated unit + component tests
- Automated e2e tests
- Coverage reporting in PR comments ([example](
- GitLab CI config available up to versions 2.x

## Elsewhere

- [Follow @uninen]( on Twitter
- Read my continuously updating learnings from Vite / Vue / TypeScript and other Web development topics from my [Today I Learned site](

## Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please follow the [code of conduct](./ when interacting with others.