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Opinionated Vite starter template with TailwindCSS

tailwind tailwindcss vite vue vue3 vuejs

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Opinionated Vite starter template with TailwindCSS




Vitailse - Opinionated Vite Starter Template with TailwindCSS

Opinionated Vite starter template with [TailwindCSS](

Inspired by [Vitesse]( ❤

## Features

- ⚡️ [Vue 3](, [Vite 2](, [pnpm](, [ESBuild]( - born with fastness

- 🗂 [File based routing](./src/pages)

- 📦 [Components auto importing](./src/components)

- 🍍 [State Management via Pinia](

- 📑 [Layout system](./src/layouts)

- 📲 [PWA](

- 🌍 [I18n ready](./locales)

- 🎨 [Tailwind CSS]( - Rapidly build modern websites without ever leaving your HTML.

- 😃 [Use icons from any icon sets, with no compromise](

- 🔥 Use the [new `` syntax](

- 📥 [APIs auto importing]( - use Composition API and others directly

- 🖨 Server-side generation (SSG) via [vite-ssg](

- 🦔 Critical CSS via [critters](

- 🦾 TypeScript, of course

## Pre-packed

### UI Frameworks

- [TailwindCSS](
- [TailwindCSS Typography](
- [TailwindCSS Forms](
- [TailwindCSS Aspect Ratio](

### Icons

- [Iconify]( - use icons from any icon sets
- [`unplugin-icons`]( - icons as Vue components

### Plugins

- [Vue Router](
- [`vite-plugin-pages`]( - file system based routing
- [`vite-plugin-vue-layouts`]( - layouts for pages
- [Pinia]( - Intuitive, type safe, light and flexible Store for Vue using the composition api
- [`unplugin-vue-components`]( - components auto import
- [`unplugin-auto-import`]( - Directly use Vue Composition API and others without importing
- [VueUse]( - collection of useful composition APIs
- [`@vueuse/head`]( - manipulate document head reactively
- [Vue I18n]( - Internationalization
- [`vite-plugin-vue-i18n`]( - Vite plugin for Vue I18n
- [`vite-plugin-pwa`]( - PWA

### Coding Style

- Use Composition API with [`<script setup>` SFC syntax](

### Dev tools

- [TypeScript](
- [pnpm]( - fast, disk space efficient package manager
- [`vite-ssg`]( - Server-side generation
- [critters]( - Critical CSS
- [VS Code Extensions](./.vscode/extensions.json)
- [Vite]( - Fire up Vite server automatically
- [Volar]( - Vue 3 `<script setup>` IDE support
- [Iconify IntelliSense]( - Icon inline display and autocomplete
- [TailwindCSS Intellisense]( - IDE support for Tailwind CSS
- [i18n Ally]( - All in one i18n support
## Try it now!
### GitHub Template

[Create a repo from this template on GitHub](

### Clone to local

If you prefer to do it manually with the cleaner git history

npx degit zynth17/vitailse my-vitailse-app
cd my-vitailse-app
pnpm i # If you don't have pnpm installed, run: npm install -g pnpm

## Checklist

When you use this template, try follow the checklist to update your info properly

- [ ] Rename `name` field in `package.json`
- [ ] Change the author name in `LICENSE`
- [ ] Change the title in `App.vue`
- [ ] Change the favicon in `public`
- [ ] Remove the `.github` folder which contains the funding info
- [ ] Clean up the READMEs and remove routes

And, enjoy :)

## Usage

### Development

Just run and visit http://localhost:3000

pnpm dev

### Preview in Https

Just run and visit https://localhost

pnpm build && pnpm run https-preview

### Build

To build the App, run

pnpm build

And you will see the generated file in `dist` that ready to be served.