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Modern Vue Stack 2022. Joyful development experience πŸŽ‰


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Modern Vue Stack 2022. Joyful development experience πŸŽ‰




## Modern Vue

[Modern Vue]( stack 2022 with **Micro front
end** & **Monorepo** πŸŽ‰.

Joyful development experience πŸ˜„.

The `main` branch will keep clean for quickly creating Vue3 web app.

Monorepo architecture please visit branch

## Lang

## Features

- ⚑️ [Vue 3](,
[Vite 3](, [pnpm](,
[ESBuild]( - born with fastness

- ⚑️ Build Optimization with compress

- ⚑️ CDN by Uploading static files to OSS

- 🦾 Environmental distinction

- 🦾 **Monorepo** by Rush

- 🎨 Commitlint

- 🎨 Formatting with **prettier**

- πŸ—‚ File based routing

- πŸ“¦ Components auto importing

- 🍍 [State Management via Pinia](

- πŸ“‘ Layout system

- πŸ“² [PWA](

- 🎨 [TailwindCSS]( - A utility-first CSS
framework for rapid UI development.

- πŸ˜ƒ
[Use icons from any icon sets, with no compromise](

- 🌍 I18n ready

- πŸ—’ [Markdown Support](

- πŸ”₯ Use the [new `` syntax](

- πŸ–¨ Server-side generation (SSG) via [vite-ssg](

- πŸ¦” Critical CSS via [critters](

- 🦾 TypeScript, of course

- βš™οΈ Unit Testing with [Vitest](, E2E Testing with
[Cypress]( on [GitHub Actions](

- ☁️ Deploy on Netlify, zero-config
- πŸ“¦
[Extend Script Setup Component Name to co-operate with Vue Devtools](

> example:

<div class="app">
<RouterView />

<script setup lang="ts" name="App">

> We have removed two features `APIs auto import` and `WindiCSS` since 2022.02.24. For the
> reason:

- `TailwindCSS V3` is fast enough now
- `APIs auto import` might be overwhelming in some scenarios when your projects got large

### Type Imports

// types.ts

export interface User {
username: string
password: string
avatar?: string


import type { User } from '~/types'



## Pre-packed

### UI Frameworks

- [TailwindCSS]( - lighter and faster, with a bunch of additional

### Icons

- [Iconify]( - use icons from any icon sets
- [`unplugin-icons`]( - icons as Vue components

### Plugins

- [Vue Router](
- [`vite-plugin-pages`]( - file system
based routing
- [`vite-plugin-vue-layouts`]( -
layouts for pages
- [Pinia]( - Intuitive, type safe, light and flexible Store for Vue
using the composition api
- [`unplugin-vue-components`]( -
components auto import
- [`vite-plugin-pwa`]( - PWA
- [`vite-plugin-md`]( - Markdown as components /
components in Markdown
- [`markdown-it-prism`]( -
[Prism]( for syntax highlighting
- [`prism-theme-vars`]( - customizable
Prism.js theme using CSS variables
- [Vue I18n]( - Internationalization
- [`vite-plugin-vue-i18n`]( - Vite
plugin for Vue I18n
- [VueUse]( - collection of useful composition APIs
- [`@vueuse/head`]( - manipulate document head reactively

### Coding Style

- Use Composition API with
[`` SFC syntax](
- [ESLint]( with
[@antfu/eslint-config](, single quotes, no semi.

### Dev tools

- [TypeScript](
- [Vitest]( - Unit testing powered by Vite
- [Cypress]( - E2E testing
- [pnpm]( - fast, disk space efficient package manager
- [`vite-ssg`]( - Server-side generation
- [critters]( - Critical CSS
- [Netlify]( - zero-config deployment
- [VS Code Extensions](./.vscode/extensions.json)
- [Vite]( - Fire up Vite
server automatically
- [Volar]( - Vue
3 `<script setup>` IDE support
- [Iconify IntelliSense]( -
Icon inline display and autocomplete
- [i18n Ally]( -
All in one i18n support
- [ESLint](

## Try it now!

> Requires Node >=14

### GitHub Template

[Create a repo from this template on GitHub](

### Clone to local

If you prefer to do it manually with the cleaner git history

## Usage

### Development

pnpm i

pnpm dev


### Build

To build the App, run


pnpm build


With Env:


pnpm build:test


And you will see the generated file in `dist` that ready to be served.

## Thanks

- [Vitesse](

## Final

enjoy :)