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Vite - Vue 2 starter template using composition-api and windiCSS

composition-api icon iconify tailwindcss typescript vite vitejs vue vue-router vue2 vueuse

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Vite - Vue 2 starter template using composition-api and windiCSS




# Vite ⚡ - Vue 2 starter template

Create a Vue 2 application bundled by the lightning fast build tool Vite

> Vue 2 has reached EOL and is no longer actively maintained. [Upgrade to Vue 3](
> or learn more about [Vue 2 EOL](

## Features

* ⚡️ [Vite](, [Vue 2]( - lightning fast
* 📦 [Components auto importing](
* 📥 [APIs auto importing]( - use Composition API and others directly
* 🚦 [Vue-Router](
* 🎨 [TailwindCSS](
* 😃 [Use icons from any icon sets, with no compromise](
* 🧰 [VueUse]( - Collection of essential Vue Composition Utilities
* 🦾 Typescript, of course

## Vite plugins

* [`@vitejs/plugin-vue2`]( -
Vue 2 support for Vite
* [`unplugin-vue-components`]( -
importing Vue components on-demand
* [`unplugin-auto-import`]( -
importing APIs like CompositionAPI on-demand
* [`unplugin-icons`]( -
importing icons as Vue components on-demand

## Try it now!

### GitHub Template

[Create a repo from this template on GitHub](

### Clone

If you prefer to do it manually with a cleaner git history

npx degit lstoeferle/vite-vue2-starter my-vite-vue2-app
cd my-vite-vue2-app
pnpm install

## Usage

### Development

Just run and visit [http://localhost:3333](http://localhost:3333)

pnpm dev

### Build

To build the App, run

pnpm build

And you will see the generated files in `dist`, which are ready to be served.

## Why

Vue 3 is awesome, but we should not forget about supporting Vue 2 ♥️

### Credits

This project is inspired by [Vitesse](, an opinionated Vite starter template for Vue 3.

Big thanks to [Anthony Fu]( for the inspiration and all the amazing tools you create.