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Opinionated Vite starter template.

cypress e2e eslint jest prettier react tailwindcss typescript vite vitest

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

Opinionated Vite starter template.




# Vitamin

[![codecov](]( ![Test workflow]( ![CodeQL workflow]( [![Vitamin](]( [![code style: prettier](]( [![Commitizen friendly](]( [![license](](

> Project in maintenance mode.

Opinionated Vite starter template.

## Features

- [Vite]( with [React](, [TypeScript]( and [absolute imports](
- [Tailwind CSS v3]( with a [basic reset for form styles]( and a [Prettier plugin]( that automatically sorts classes.
- Use [ESLint](, [stylelint]( and [Prettier]( on VSCode and before you commit with [Husky]( and [lint-staged](
- [PWA]( with [17/17 Lighthouse score](
- Write unit and integration tests with [Vitest]( and [Testing Library](
- Write e2e tests with [Cypress](
- GitHub Actions for automatic [dependency updates](, [CodeQL Analysis](, running tests and code coverage with [Codecov](
- Deploy to []( with pre-configured [SPA fallback](

## Getting started

Use this repository as a [GitHub template]( or use [degit]( to clone to your machine with an empty git history:

npx degit wtchnm/Vitamin#main my-app

Then, install the dependencies:

pnpm install

### Before you start coding

- [ ] If you don't plan to use GitHub Actions, delete the `.github` directory.
- [ ] Clean up the `cypress/e2e/index.spec.ts` file.
- [ ] Change the `favicon.png`, `apple-touch-icon.png`, `android-chrome-192x192.png` and `android-chrome-512x512.png`. []( is a cool tool for generating these assets.
- [ ] In the `src` folder, remove the `__tests__`, `api` and `components` folder and the `types.ts` file.
- [ ] If you don't plan to use `react-query`, remove the query client logic in the `main.tsx` file.
- [ ] Change the title, description and theme color in the `index.html` and `vite.config.ts`. The [Inter]( font is included, so remove it if you want.
- [ ] Modify or delete the `LICENSE` file.
- [ ] Change the `name` field in package.json.

## Scripts

- `pnpm dev` - start a development server with hot reload.
- `pnpm build` - build for production. The generated files will be on the `dist` folder.
- `pnpm preview` - locally preview the production build.
- `pnpm test` - run unit and integration tests related to changed files based on git.
- `pnpm test:ci` - run all unit and integration tests in CI mode.
- `pnpm test:e2e` - run all e2e tests with the Cypress Test Runner.
- `pnpm test:e2e:headless` - run all e2e tests headlessly.
- `pnpm format` - format all files with Prettier.
- `pnpm lint` - runs TypeScript, ESLint and Stylelint.
- `pnpm validate` - runs `lint`, `test:ci` and `test:e2e:ci`.