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Simple production ready boilerplate for MERN stack with Vite.

express mern-stack reactjs redux-toolkit typescript vite

Last synced: about 1 month ago
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Simple production ready boilerplate for MERN stack with Vite.




# vite-mern-template


> Simple opinionated boilerplate for MERN stack with Vite and Redux Toolkit.
> This includes React+TypeScript with familiar configuration for vite.config.ts for front-end and Express+TypeScript for back-end.

Feel free to add or tweak the setup as needed.

This has been created with the official [Vite]( template (`npm create vite@latest`) and some extended setup. There are two separate folders called `backend` and `frontend`. The entry point for the backend is `backend/src/index.js`.

Any package manager can be used with this project (e.g. npm or yarn or pnpm).

> Thanks to [awesome-vite]( for publishing this project.

## Tools

- [React](
- [TypeScript](
- [React Router DOM](
- [Redux Toolkit](
- [Tailwind CSS](
- [Axios](
- [React Testing Library](
- [Vitest](
- [Express](
- [express-async-handler](
- [mongoose](
- [argon2](
- [jsonwebtoken](

#### The dependency versions are managed by [depfu](

## Requirements

- [Node.js]( 18+

## Demo


## Installation

npx degit apicgg/vite-mern-template my-app


git clone

## Install dependencies (npm or yarn or pnpm)

- Backend

npm install

- Frontend

cd frontend
npm install

## Start the development server

- Backend

npm run dev:backend

- Frontend

npm run dev:frontend

- Remove the .git and .github folder and initialize your own git repository.


- [x] Include eslint and prettier.
- [x] Add testing framework.
- [ ] Create a npm CLI library for scaffolding projects.

## License

MIT License.

Please review the [License](

## Contributors ✨

Contributions of any kind welcome! Kindly have a look into [Contributing Guidelines](