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vite3-react18-react-TypeScript-router-dom6-zustand-Eslint-prettier-husky start template.

docker eslint nginx prettier react18 sass typescript vite3 zustand

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vite3-react18-react-TypeScript-router-dom6-zustand-Eslint-prettier-husky start template.




# Vite5, React18 (A simple generic example template)

This starter template includes:

- [Vite 5](
- [React18](
- [React Router dom 6](
- [zustand]( Popular React State Management Solution.
- [framer-motion]( It powers the amazing animations and interactions in Framer, the web builder for creative pros. Zero code, maximum speed.(If you don't need it, you can delete it.)
- Docker support.
- Introduce typescript, use tsx writing style.
- Aktiver Eslint,prettier,husky,stylelint, automatisk specifikation af projektkode.

Unplugin Utilities:

- [unplugin-auto-import]( - auto import the most used APIs

### Getting Started

> The quickest way to do this is to download the zip of the project or fork it into your personal repository.

1. Clone code: execute command---git clone

2. The editor opens and downloads the dependencies:Execution of commands--- `pnpm i`

3. Running Projects:pnpm dev

4. Packing project

> Test Package:pnpm build:test
> Production Package:pnpm build
> (The environment variable file (env) has been added to the root directory, so you can add packaging commands and environment files according to your project.)

### How to use docker?

1. Ensure that Docker is installed on your computer.

2. Just run `pnpm release:local`

3. Then you can view your project on `:8082`

### Note

Vite5 requires your node version to be 18+ or 20+.

### Support

[![JetBrains Logo (Main) logo](](