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A boilerplate for quickly creating React applications with the best developer experience.

less react react-i18next react-query shadcn-ui tailwindcss typescript vite

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

A boilerplate for quickly creating React applications with the best developer experience.




## Vite-React-TS-Tailwind-Starter

Choosing a technology stack is a very subjective matter, if you happen to like using `Vite`, `Tailwind`, `TS` and `shadcn ui` and more to build React SPA applications, then give it a try.

## Run

yarn dev

We prefer `Yarn` as package manager, If you want to use `pnpm` or `npm`, feel free to use

## Tech Stack

- [vite](
- [react](
- [shadcn ui](
- [react-i18next](
- [react-lucide](
- [transmart](
- [react-query](
- [tailwindcss](
- [less](
- [postcss](
- [react-router-dom](
- [eslint]([stylelint](
- [prettier](
- [svgr](
- [editorconfig](
- [husky]([lint-staged](
- [commitlint](

## Project Structure

├── app.tsx # App entry
├── assets # Assets for images, favicon etc
├── components # React components
├── hooks # React hooks
├── i18n # i18n files
├── lib # Utils、tools、services
├── main.tsx # File entry
├── pages # One .tsx per page
├── router.tsx # Routers
├── styles # Less files
├── types # Typescript types
└── vite-env.d.ts

## Deploy

[Cloudflare Pages]( is my first option to deploy React App,follow [this documentation]( to deploy your site. Don't forget build directory should choose `dist`

[Vercel]( is a good option too,Go to [Vercel]( and link to your Git Repo

Enjoy building.

## Related

- [Next Starter](

- [React Starter](

- [Figma Starter](