
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

将项目中打包后生产文件上传到 腾讯云OSS,除了 html 以外。

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

将项目中打包后生产文件上传到 腾讯云OSS,除了 html 以外。





Upload the production files bundled in the project to Tencent OSS, except for html


# Feature

- Skip existing files by default (files will not be downloaded) to speed up upload files.
- Almost zero configuration, using `outDir` path of `vite`, uploading to the same path of oss.

Note: Upload all files except html files, because html files have no hash and are usually placed on the server.

# Preview:


# Installation

pnpm i -D vite-plugin-tencent-oss


yarn add -D vite-plugin-tencent-oss


npm i -D vite-plugin-tencent-oss

# Basic usage

1. Register the plugin in `vite.config.js`
2. Set base public ***URL*** path when served in development or production.

import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import vitePluginTencentOss from 'vite-plugin-tencent-oss'

const options = {
region: '',
secretId: '',
secretKey: '',
bucket: ''

const prod = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'

export default defineConfig({
base: prod ? '' : '/', // must be URL when build
plugins: [vue(), vitePluginTencentOss(options)]

3. Build Production

pnpm run build

The plugin will upload files of `outDir` path after bundle.

# options

| options | description | type | default |
| region | tencent cloud oss region | string | |
| secretId | tencent cloud oss secretId | string | |
| secretKey | tencent cloud oss secretKey | string | |
| bucket | tencent cloud oss bucket | string | |
| overwrite | If the file already exists, whether to skip upload | boolean | false |
| ignore | Ignore file rules. If you use empty string `''`, no files will be ignored | string | `'**/*.html'` |
| test | Only test path, no files upload | boolean | false |
| enabled | Enable the ali oss plugin | boolean | true |
| ... | Other init oss options, more information: | any | |

# thanks
This project is based on[vite-plugin-ali-oss]( development。