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🦕For NPM module authors that would like to support Deno but do not want to write and maintain a port.

build-tool deno hacktoberfest jspm node-builtin support-deno sypack

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

🦕For NPM module authors that would like to support Deno but do not want to write and maintain a port.




🦕 Release on NPM and on with a single codebase🦕

Demo repo

# What it is

A build tool that takes as input a TypeScript codebase that was meant to target node and/or the web and spits out a modified version of the source files ready to be deployed as a Deno module.


> **NOTE:** Denoify is capable of **recursively** resolving **dependencies**!
> It works out of the box with dependencies that uses denoify
> and there are many option for dealing with dependencies that won't transpile automatically. [See specific documentation](

This tool is mainly for NPM module publisher, to enable them to bring first-class citizen Deno support to their modules and do so without introducing breaking changes.

## Deno's Support for NPM Modules: What It Means and the Continued Relevance of Denoify

[Deno now supports NPM modules](
This development significantly benefits NPM module authors as it simplifies the process of integrating their modules into Deno.
You simply instruct your users to import your module using the format: `import {...} from "npm:your-module@5";`.

However, even with this development, there are still compelling reasons to consider using Denoify for your module:

1. **Publishing on [](** If you aspire to have your module incorporated into other Deno modules, it is crucial to release a Deno-specific distribution. Without it, your chances of significant inclusion are considerably diminished.

2. **Ensuring Retro Compatibility:** Denoify ensures your module remains compatible with earlier Deno versions lacking NPM support. This retro-compatibility broadens your module's user base and applicability.

3. **Tailoring Module Adaptations:** Not all NPM modules (approximately 10%) will work seamlessly with Deno out of the box. In these cases, Denoify can aid in creating Deno-specific implementations for particular files within your module ([`xxx.deno.ts`](

Therefore, despite Deno's new NPM support, Denoify continues to offer value in ensuring wider compatibility, adaptability, and visibility for your module.

# Example of modules using Denoify

Some modules that have been made cross-runtime using Denoify:

- [hono](
- [EVT](
- [Nano JSX](
- [eta]([email protected])
- [graphql-helix](
- [tsafe](
- [Automerge](
- [...and many others](

# Limitations

- If your module is vanilla JS it needs to be ported to TypeScript first[^0].
- `require()` is not supported.
- You can't `fs.readFile()` files that are part of the module ( files inside a `res/`
directory for example ). [^1]

_Don't be afraid, renaming your source with `.ts` and dropping some `any` here
and there will do the trick.
You will be able to pull it off even if you aren't familiar with typescript. [Ref](

_In Deno the files that forms your module won’t be pre-fetched and
placed in `node_module` like in node so you won’t be able to access files that are not
on the disk._

# Get started

[🚀 **Quick start** 🚀](

# Doing without Denoify

If your project doesn't have any dependencies and isn't utilizing Node built-ins (e.g., fs, https, process), you have an alternative to Denoify. You can make use of the TypeScript compiler options `moduleResolution: bundler` and `allowImportingTsExtensions: true`. For more information, see [this comment](

Please note that this technique requires the addition of `.ts` extension to your source file imports. This could lead to potential compatibility issues with certain tools, and require an adjustment period.

# What's new

**NEW IN v1.6.0**

- Support for Deno environnement variable (`Deno.env('XYZ')`). Thank you to @dancrumb for this feature. [See issue](

**NEW IN v1.3.1**

- Denoify now has [a proper documentation website](!

**NEW IN v1.3**

- Support for `// @denoify-line-ignore` special comment.

**NEW IN v1**

- `import express from "express";` automatically converted into:
`import express from "npm:express@5";`
(See [this update](
Most project will now transpile successfully out of the box.

**NEW IN v0.10**

- Mitigate the risk of comment being accidentally modified.
- Possibility to specify output directory in the package.json's denoify field. [See doc](
- Support module augmentation: `declare module ...`. [Example](
- Possibility to explicitly tell where the `index.ts` is located in the source. [Doc](

**NEW IN v0.9**

- `tsconfig.json` can be absent if outputDir is specified. [See @zxch3n's PR](
- Enable to configure the name of the output dir. It no longer has to be `deno_dist`. [See @zxch3n's PR](

**NEW IN v0.7**

- Support for esm modules. See [issue]( Thanks to [yandeu](

**NEW IN v0.7**

- Support for workspaces where `node_modules` are located in a parent directory.
Thx [@hayes]( [See issue](
- Add basic support for child_process.spawn ([#785](

**NEW IN v0.6**

- Built in support for [graphQL](
See how [graphql-helix]( got graphql working before `v0.6` using a [custom replacer](
referenced in the [`package.json`](
You can do the same with other modules using []( or [jspm](
- It is now possible to use `console.log()` in custom replacers to help debug.
- [Some support]( for `crypto` node builtin.

**NEW IN v0.5** _Breaking changes_

- All Denoify parameters are now gathered under a uniq `"denoify"` field.
- Possibility to specify which files should be copied to the `deno_dist` directory (Previously only `` was copied).
[Valid config example](

# Introduction video

**NOTE: New features have been introduced since this meeting was hold**

[![Watch the video](](