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define dynamic env variables in import.meta.env

import-meta-env vite vite-plugin vite-plugin-meta-env vue3

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define dynamic env variables in import.meta.env




# vite-plugin-meta-env

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define dynamic env variables in `import.meta.env`

## 1、Intro

This plugin is used in [vite]( , Expose **dynamic** or **without prefix** environment variables in the project

### Usage

- a、**dynamic** environment variables

- b、**without prefix** environment variables


In `vite` projects, the environment variable is usually exposed which is starting with [envPrefix]( The default is `VITE_`,

such as: `VITE_API_URL`, `VITE_APP_NAME` and so on.

But sometimes you need to use some **dynamic environment variables** and **variables without prefix** such as: `APP_VERSION`, `APP_BUILD_TIME` and so on.

This plugin is born to solve this problem.

Here we use the `config` and `define` configuration options unique to `vite` to complete this function

## 2、Usage

### Install

pnpm add vite-plugin-meta-env -D

### Config

`VitePluginMetaEnv` receives two parameters:

* Use the define option to expose a variable without a prefix
* @param {EnvVars} Vars environment variable object
* @param defineOn Variable Definition Location

- The first parameter: environment variable object, `key` is the variable name, `value` is the variable value.
- The second parameter: variable definition location, optional `import.meta.env` or `process.env`

// vite.config.js

import { defineConfig } from 'vite'

// import plugin
import VitePluginMetaEnv from 'vite-plugin-meta-env'

export default () => {
// environment variables, object structure
const metaEnv = {
APP_VERSION: '1.0.0'
return defineConfig({
// ...
plugins: [
// use plugin
VitePluginMetaEnv(metaEnv, 'import.meta.env'),
// VitePluginMetaEnv(metaEnv, 'process.env'),

in the project, you can access the environment variables we defined through `import.meta.env.APP_VERSION`



## 3、warning

[TypeScript tips](

to ensure type checking and code hints, please add type declarations in `env.d.ts` or `vite-env.d.ts`

// env.d.ts
interface ImportMetaEnv {
readonly BASE_URL: string // Built-in variable
readonly MODE: string // Built-in variable
readonly APP_VERSION: string
// more...

interface ImportMeta {
readonly env: ImportMetaEnv

