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🗜 Mangle / minimize css module classnames in production like facebook and Google do!

css css-minify css-modules plugin vite vite-plugin

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🗜 Mangle / minimize css module classnames in production like facebook and Google do!




Vite Plugin - Optimize CSS Modules

Mangle classnames in production - save up to 20% on css for free!

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### Setup

This plugin requires [vite]( of v3 or greater.
It only makes sense to use if you're using [css modules](

$ npm install --save-dev vite-plugin-optimize-css-modules

In your [`vite.config.ts`]( simply add the plugin:

import { optimizeCssModules } from 'vite-plugin-optimize-css-modules';
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';

export default defineConfig({
plugins: [

And that's it. When running `vite build` your generated CSS should be significantly smaller.

### How does it work?

By default, when using css modules, you end up with hashes or other long class-names in your bundled css files:

@keyframes _close-card_pzatx_1 {
/* ...css */

._card_pzatx_32 {
/* ...css */

._back_pzatx_49 ._content_pzatx_70 ._close_pzatx_74 {
/* ...css */

By using this module, the smalles possible classname will be used for each "id":

@keyframes a {
/* ...css */

.v {
/* ...css */

.c .s .w {
/* ...css */