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use to external resources

vite vite-plugin

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use to external resources




# vite-plugin-externals

NPM package



English | [简体中文](

use to external resources, like webpack externals, but only use in browser now.

Can be used in `production` mode without other `rollup` configuration.

but it will not take effect by default in `commonjs`, such as `ssr`.

## Usage

npm i vite-plugin-externals -D

Add it to `vite.config.js`

// vite.config.js
import { viteExternalsPlugin } from 'vite-plugin-externals'

export default {
plugins: [
vue: 'Vue',
react: 'React',
'react-dom': 'ReactDOM',
// value support chain, transform to window['React']['lazy']
lazy: ['React', 'lazy']

**Warning**: If you loaded `production` library in `vite dev mode` , may make `HMR` **fail**.

You can use `disableInServe: true` option to avoid transform in serve mode.



## How to work

transform source code of js file.

// configuration
vue: 'Vue',
// source code
import Vue from 'vue'
// transformed
const Vue = window['Vue']

// source code
import { reactive, ref as r } from 'vue'
// transformed
const reactive = window['Vue'].reactive
const r = window['Vue'].ref

// source code
import * as vue from 'vue'
// transformed
const vue = window['Vue']

// source code
export { useState as _useState } from 'react'
// transformed
export const _useState = window['React'].useState

**Warning**: please use the plugin after converting to JS code, because the plugin only transform JS code. Eg.

import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'

export default {
plugins: [
vue(), // @vitejs/plugin-vue will transform SFC to JS code

// It should be under @vitejs/plugin-vue
vue: 'Vue',

If an error occurs, you can check whether the error is caused by the plugin order.

## Configuration

### disableInServe

disable transform in `serve mode` .

vue: 'Vue',
}, { disableInServe: true })

### enforce

vite plugin ordering. Resolve plugin ordering cause unexpected error. Such as [#21](

See [](

### filter

The files in `node_modules` are filtered by default, and only transform js/ts/vue/jsx/tsx file.

You can specify the `filter` function. Return `true` will be transform to external.

vue: 'Vue',
}, {
filter(code, id, ssr) {
// your code
return false

### useWindow

set `false`, the `window` prefix will not be added.

**Warning**: If your module name has special characters, such as `/`, set useWindow option `false`, will throw error.

vue: 'Vue',
}, { useWindow: false }),

// source code
import Vue from 'vue'
// transformed, no `const Vue = window['Vue']`
const Vue = Vue

### sourceMapOptions

The configuration item of the code sourcemap after code conversion. The library is `magic-string`.