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Flexible autocomplete/select component written in Svelte,

autocomplete custom-element multiselect select selectize svelte tagging typeahead

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Flexible autocomplete/select component written in Svelte,




# Svelecte [![NPM version](](


> [!NOTE]
> Svelte 5 compatible version available. More complete code update in progress.
> ```bash
> npm i svelecte@next
> ```

Flexible autocomplete/select component written in Svelte. Initially inspired by Selectize.js. Also usable as custom element. Usable in forms, behaves very similar to standard `` element.

See the latest changes on the [Releases]( page.

## 📃 Features

- searchable
- multiselect with limit of max selected items
- allow simple array or complex objects as items
- custom item renderer (formatter)
- allow creating new items (and possibly edit them)
- remote data fetch
- virtual list support
- i18n and basic ARIA support
- SSR support
- client-validation support (tested with [sveltekit-superforms](
- lazy dropdown rendering
- usable as custom element
- customizable styling
- dnd intergration with `svelte-dnd-action`

## 🔧 Installation

npm install svelecte --save

## Minimalistic example


import Svelecte from 'svelecte';

const list = [{ id: 1, name: 'Item 1' }, { id: 2, name: 'Item 2'}, ...];
let myValue = null;


## Properties

Property | Type | Default | Description
name | `string` | `'svelecte'`| Create internal `` element. Without `name` defined, no `` is created
inputId | `string` | `null` | Allow targeting input using a html ID. Otherwise it is based on `name` property
required | `bool` | `false` | Make sense only when `name` is defined and you work with it as standard `` element
disabled | `bool` | `false` | Disable component
options | `array` | `[]` | Option list, see [Options]( for more info
optionResolver | `function` |`undefined` | Custom option resolver. Enabling "query mode". Check the example on [Options]( page
value | `string`,`object` | `null` | Bound value property. For `multiple` is always array
valueAsObject | `bool` | `false` | Switch whether Svelecte should expects from and return to `bind:value` objects or primitive value (usually string, number)
parentValue | `string` | `undefined` | Value which this component depends on. When `parentValue` is `null`, component is disabled. There is an example on [Remote Datasource]( page.
valueField | `string` | `null` | Property to be used as value (if not specified, will be resolved automatically)
labelField | `string` | `null` | Property shown in dropdown (if not specified, will be resolved automatically)
groupLabelField | `string` | `label` | Property to be used as optgroup label
groupItemsField | `string` | `options` | Property holding optgroup option list
disabledField | `string` | `$disabled` | Property to check, whether given options should be disabled and unselectable
placeholder | `string` | `Select` | Input placeholder
searchable | `bool` | `true` | Allow search among items by typing
clearable | `bool` | `false` | Display ✖ icon to clear whole selection
renderer | `mixed` | `null` | Dropdown and selection renderer function. More on [Rendering]( page
disableHighlight | `bool` | `false` | Disable highlighting of input value in results. Can be useful with a `renderer` function that includes additional text or does its own highlighting
highlightFirstItem | `bool` | `true` | Automatically highlight the first item in the list when the dropdown opens
selectOnTab | `bool`,`string` | `null` | Based on value provided, it allows selecting currently active item by Tab AND (if value is `'select-navigate'`) also focus next input.
resetOnBlur | `bool` | `true` | Control if input value should be cleared on blur
resetOnSelect | `bool` | `true` | Control if input value should be cleared on item selection. **Note:** applicable only with `multiple`
closeAfterSelect | `bool` | `'auto'` | closes dropdown after selection. Setting this to `true` is useful for **multiple** select only. For single select dropdown is always closed no matter the value this property has
strictMode | `bool` | `true` | When `true`, passed value is checked whether exists on provided `options` array. If not, `invalidValue` event is dispatched
multiple | `bool` | `false` | allow multiselection. Will be set automatically to `true`, if `name` property ends with `[]`, like `tags[]`
max | `number` | `0` | Maximum allowed items selected, applicable only for multiselect
collapseSelection | `string` | `null` | Whether selection should be collapsed and when, check [Rendering]( for more info.
keepSelectionInList | `bool` | `'auto'` | Whether keep selected items in dropdown. `auto` for `multiple` removes selected items from dropdown
creatable | `bool` | `false` | Allow creating new item(s)
creatablePrefix | `string` | `*` | Prefix marking new item
allowEditing | `bool` | `false` | When pressing `Backspace` switch to edit mode instead of removing newly created item. **NOTE** intended to be used with `creatable` property
keepCreated | `bool` | `true` | Switch whether to add newly created option to option list or not
delimiter | `string` | `,` | split inserted text when pasting to create multiple items
createFilter | `function` | `null` | Function, that transform input string to custom value. It can serve as a filter, if value is valid or not. If you want to dismiss entered value, function should return `''` (empty string). By default all input string is trimmed and all multiple spaces are removed.
createHandler | `function` | `null` | Custom (may be) async function transforming input string to option object. Default returns object with `valueField` and `labelField` properties, where `labelField`'s value is input string prefixed with `creatablePrefix` property.
fetch | `string` | `null` | Sets fetch URL. Visit [Remote datasource] form more details
fetchProps | `object` | `null` | Set options for new fetch [Request](
fetchCallback | `function` | `null` | optional fetch callback
fetchResetOnBlur | `bool` | `true` | reset previous search results on empty input, related to `resetOnBlur`
fetchDebounceTime | `number` | `300` | how many miliseconds is request debounced before fetch is executed
minQuery | `number` | `1` | Minimal amount of characters required to perform remote request. Usable with `fetch` property
lazyDropdown | `bool` | `true` | render dropdown after first focus, not by default
virtualList | `bool` | `false` | Whether use virtual list for dropdown items (useful for large datasets)
vlHeight | `number` | `null` | Height of virtual list dropdown (if not specified, computed automatically)
vlItemSize | `number` | `null` | Height of one row (if not specified, computed automatically)
searchProps | `object` | `null` | Customize `sifter.js` settings. See [Searching]( page for more details
class | `string` | `svelecte-control` | default css class
i18n | `object` | `null` | I18n object overriding default settings
dndzone | `function` | noop | Pass `dndzone` from `svelte-dnd-action`, see [Examples]( page
validatorAction | `array` | `null` | Bind validator action for inner `` element. Designed to be used with `svelte-use-form`, see [Validation]( page. For this to work, `name` property MUST be defined
anchor_element | `bool` | `null` | `internal`: when passing also existing select (for custom element)

## Available slots

For more info refer to [Rendering]( page.



## Emitted events:

Event | arguments | description
fetch | options | newly fetched remote options
fetchError | error | dispatche on fetch error of any kind
change | selection | selected objects. If `anchor` property is defined, `change` event is called also on it
createoption | option | newly created option object
createFail | object | thrown if `createHandler` fails
focus | `` | focus event
blur | `` | blur event
invalidValue | invalidValue | triggered when passed `value` is out of provided `options` items. Internal (and bound, if any) `value` is set to `null` or `[]` if multiple
enterKey | underlying `keyDown` event | triggered when natively it would cause form submit (dropdown is closed). This gives you ability to prevent it by calling `event.detail.preventDefault()`

## Public API:

Name | type | arguments | description
focus | `function` | - | focus input
refetchWith | `function` | new value |

There are global config and `addRenderer` function available. Refer to [Global config]( and [Rendering]( page respectively.

## I18n, a11y, CSS variables

Visit [documentation]( for more details.

## Thanks to

- [selectize.js]( - main inspiration
- [sifter]( - search engine
- [svelte-tiny-virtual-list]( virtual list functionality
- and [svelte]( of course 😊

And if you want to thank me, you can through my [sponsor]( page.

## License

[MIT License](