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Scriptable desktop app to correct the perspective of images

app correction desktop-app gloss gui hacktoberfest haskell image imagemagick keystone linux-app macos-app perspective perspective-transformation photo scanning scriptable workflow

Last synced: 4 months ago
JSON representation

Scriptable desktop app to correct the perspective of images






App and workflow to perspectively correct images.
For example whiteboards, document scans, or facades.

- [App Workflow](#app-workflow)
- [Installation](#installation)
* [Prebuilt](#prebuilt)
* [From Source](#from-source)
- [Usage via CLI](#usage-via-cli)
- [Photo Digitization Workflow](#photo-digitization-workflow)
* [Additional Steps](#additional-steps)
- [Features](#features)
- [Algorithms](#algorithms)
* [Perspective Transformation](#perspective-transformation)
* [Grayscale Conversion](#grayscale-conversion)
* [BW Conversion](#bw-conversion)
* [Interpolation of Missing Parts](#interpolation-of-missing-parts)
- [Technologies](#technologies)
- [Related](#related)

## App Workflow

Step | Description | Result
1 | Take photos | ![Original image][doc]
2 | Open Perspec app | ![Opened Perspec App][open]
3 | Drop the images onto the window | ![Dropped image][dropped]
4 | Mark the corners by clicking on them | ![Marked corners][corners]
5 | Click one of the save buttons (or [Enter]) | ![Corrected image][fixed]

[doc]: images/doc.jpg
[mark]: images/doc-marking.jpg
[open]: images/perspec_opened.png
[dropped]: images/perspec_image_dropped.png
[corners]: images/perspec_marked_corners.png
[fixed]: images/doc-fixed.jpg

## Installation

Perspec currently only works on macOS and Linux.
Any help to make it work on
Microsoft [(Ticket)](
would be greatly appreciated!

### Prebuilt

You can get this (and previous) versions from
[the releases page](

The current nightly version can be downloaded from
However, it's necessary to fix the file permissions after download:

chmod +x \
./ \

On macOS you can also install it via this [Homebrew]( tap:

brew install --cask ad-si/tap/perspec

### From Source

Build it from source with Haskell's

Platypus, with
[command line tools enabled](
, is required to build from source.

git clone
cd Perspec
make install

This copies the `` to your `/Applications` directory
and makes the `perspec` command available on your path.
You can then either drop images on the app window,
or use it via the CLI like `perspec fix image.jpeg`

## Usage via CLI

It's also possible to directly invoke Perspec via the CLI like so:

/Applications/ fix path/to/image.jpeg

You can also pass several images and they will all be opened
one after another.
This is very useful for batch correcting a large set of images.

## Photo Digitization Workflow

1. Take photos
1. Use camera app which lets you lock rotation (e.g. [OpenCamera]).
Otherwise check out the guide below to fix rotation.
1. Use a sound activated camera to take photos simply
by clicking your tongue or snipping your finger. E.g. with:
- [Pluto Trigger] - Hardware device
- [Magic Lantern] - 3rd party firmware for Canon
- [iSoundCam] - Android app
1. Use `perspec rename` sub-command to fix order and names of scanned files.
1. Verify that
- All pages were captured and have the correct filename
- Images are sharp enough
- Images have a high contrast
- Images have correct orientation
1. For best image quality convert images optionally
to a lossless format (e.g. `png`),
apply rotations, and convert them to grayscale.
Attention: Exclude the covers!
mogrify -verbose -format png \
-auto-orient -colorspace gray photos/*.jpeg
1. Use Perspec to crop images
perspec fix photos/*.png

[Magic Lantern]:
[Pluto Trigger]:

### Additional Steps

Improve colors with one of the following steps:

1. Normalize dynamic range:
mogrify -verbose -normalize photos/*.png
1. Convert to black and white:
#! /usr/bin/env bash

find . -iname "*.png" | \
while read -r file
convert \
-verbose \
"$file" \
\( +clone -blur 0x60 -brightness-contrast 40 \) \
-compose minus \
-composite \
-negate \
-auto-threshold otsu \
"$(basename "$file" ".png")"-fixed.png

In order to rotate all photos to portrait mode you can use either
mogrify -verbose -auto-orient -rotate "90>" photos/*.jpeg
mogrify -verbose -auto-orient -rotate "-90>" photos/*.jpeg

## Features

- [x] Rescale image on viewport change
- [x] Handle JPEG rotation
- [x] Draw lines between corners to simplify guessing of clipped corners
- [x] Bundle Imagemagick
- [x] Better error if wrong file format is dropped (images/error-message.jpg)
- [x] Center Perspec window on screen
- [x] Drag'n'Drop for corner markers
- [x] "Submit" button
- [x] "Convert to Grayscale" button
- [ ] Add support for custom output size (e.g. A4)
- [ ] Manual rotation buttons
- [ ] Zoom view for corners
- [ ] Label corner markers

## Algorithms

### Perspective Transformation

Once the corners are marked, the correction is equivalent to:

convert \
images/example.jpg \
-distort Perspective \
'8,35 0,0 27,73 0,66 90,72 63,66 67,10 63,0' \
-crop 63x66+0+0 \

### Grayscale Conversion

Converts image to grayscale and normalizes the range of values afterwards.
(Uses Imagemagick's `-colorspace gray -normalize`)

### BW Conversion

Converts image to binary format with OTSU's method.
(Uses Imagemagick's `-auto-threshold OTSU -monochrome`)

### Interpolation of Missing Parts

Perspec automatically interpolates missing parts by using the closest pixel.

## Technologies

- Core is written in [Haskell](
- Perspective transformation are handled by [ImageMagick]
- App bundle is created with [Platypus](


## Related

Check out [ad-si/awesome-scanning](
for an extensive list of related projects.