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The easy and reliable way to test WordPress with Codeception. 10 years of proven success.

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The easy and reliable way to test WordPress with Codeception. 10 years of proven success.




# wp-browser

You can use wp-browser to test WordPress sites, plugins and themes.

An easy and quick setup, with a default configuration that will work for most projects, run end-to-end tests, integration tests and unit tests all wit the same tool.

> This document refers to version `4` of the project.
> If you're using version `3` or version `3.5`, and are looking for the migration and troubleshooting guide, you can find it [here][6]

## Requirements

Depending on the nature of your project, there are different requirements it will need to satisfy before getting started.

### Site

* Ensure you're running the `vendor/bin/codecept init wpbrowser` command from the root directory of your WordPress site.
* Ensure the directory contains the WordPress installation files. In a standard scenario you should have extracted WordPress files in this directory.
* Ensure your installation is configured: it should contain a `wp-config.php` file.

### Plugin

* Ensure you're running the `vendor/bin/codecept init wpbrowser` command from the root directory of your plugin; this should be the directory that contains the PHP file defining the [plugin header][6].

### Theme

* Ensure you're running the `vendor/bin/codecept init wpbrowser` command from the root directory of your theme; this should be the directory that contains the `style.css` file defining [the theme header][7].

If you decide to use the quick installation, then your PHP version should have the `sqlite3` extensions installed and activated. You can check this using the `php -m` command and verifying the `sqlite3` extension is among the active extensions.

## Installation

Add wp-browser to your project as a development dependency using [Composer][1]

cd my-wordrpess-project
composer require --dev lucatume/wp-browser

Initialize wp-browser to quickly configured to suite your project and setup:

vendor/bin/codecept init wpbrowser

The command will set up your project to run integration and end-to-end tests using:

* SQLite as the database engine, leveraging the [SQLite Database Integration plugin][2]
* PHP built-in web server to serve the WordPress site on localhost (e.g. `http://localhost:8080`)
* Chromedriver to drive the local version of Chrome installed on your machine

If you're working on a plugin or theme project, the default configuration will add some extra steps:

* install the latest version of WordPress in the `tests/_wordpress` directory
* create a `tests/_plugins` directory: any file or directory in this directory will be symlinked into the WordPress
installation in `tests/_wordpress/wp-content/plugins`
* create a `tests/_themes` directory: any file or directory in this directory will be symlinked into the WordPress
installation in `tests/_wordpress/wp-content/themes`

For most projects this configuration will be enough to get started with testing.

You can run your tests immediately using the `vendor/bin/codecept run` command.

[Read more about the commands provided by the library here.](

### Using a custom configuration

If you decide to skip the default configuration, you will be able to set up `wp-browser` to suit your needs and local
setup by editing the `tests/.env` file.
The inline documentation in the file will guide you through the configuration process.

[Read more about using a custom configuration here.](

## Getting support for wp-browser configuration and usage

The best place to get support for wp-browser is [the project documentation](
Since this project builds on top of [PHPUnit][3] and [Codeception][4], you can also refer to their documentation.

If you can't find the answer to your question here you can ask on
the ["Issues" section of the wp-browser repository][5] taking care to provide as much information as possible.

Finally, you can contact me directly to set up a call to discuss your
project needs and how wp-browser can help you.

## Sponsors

A thanks to my sponsors: you make maintaining this project easier.





