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Github Traffic Insights as Prometheus metrics.

github-traffic repository stars

Last synced: 15 days ago
JSON representation

Github Traffic Insights as Prometheus metrics.




# github-traffic
Github Traffic collects your repository's traffic data and exposes it as Prometheus metrics.

![Grafana dashboard](dashboard/screenshot.png)
*Grafana dashboard that displays the metrics generated by Github Traffic.*

## Quickstart

- Docker >= 20.10.3

To run **github-traffic** locally you've to create a `.env` file like this one:

$ cat .env
# Required
# Optional
REPO_TYPE=public-or-private # Default: public
REPO_NAME_CONTAINS=string-to-match-repositories-with # Default: ""
CRONTAB_SCHEDULE=crontab-schedule-to-get-data-from-github # Default: "0 * * * *"

**_NOTE:_** You also can use your username if you don't belong to any organization. In this case, use "USER_NAME" instead of "ORG_NAME".

Run the image:
$ docker run --env-file .env -it -p 8001:8001
level=INFO msg="Github traffic is running!"
level=INFO msg="Gather insights" repo="k6" views=163 unique_views=90 clones=406 unique_clones=109 stars=13805
level=INFO msg="Gather insights" repo="postman-to-k6" views=3 unique_views=2 clones=1 unique_clones=1 stars=238
level=INFO msg="Gather insights" repo="jmeter-to-k6" views=1 unique_views=1 clones=2 unique_clones=2 stars=44
Go to http://localhost:8001/metrics

Now you can collect those metrics as you would do with any other service. To visualize them, we provide an example/template Grafana dashboard:

## Docker compose
In addition, a docker-compose.yaml file is provided. This file also run Prometheus and Grafana.

**_NOTE:_** You've to create the .env file with you configuration.

Run compose:
❯ docker-compose up -d
Creating network "github-traffic_default" with the default driver
Creating github-traffic_traffic_1 ... done
Creating github-traffic_prometheus_1 ... done
Creating github-traffic_grafana_1 ... done

Now, you can access to:
* Grafana: http://localhost:3000
* Prometheus: http://localhost:9090
* Github traffic: http://localhost:8001

Once you navigate to Grafana (http://localhost:3000), the user and password are admin/admin you have to configure a datasource to Prometheus (http://prometheus:9090) and import the dashboard with id 15000.

Remove containers:
❯ docker-compose down
Stopping github-traffic_grafana_1 ... done
Stopping github-traffic_prometheus_1 ... done
Stopping github-traffic_traffic_1 ... done
Removing github-traffic_grafana_1 ... done
Removing github-traffic_prometheus_1 ... done
Removing github-traffic_traffic_1 ... done
Removing network github-traffic_default