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An MLIR-based compiler framework bridges DSLs (domain-specific languages) to DSAs (domain-specific architectures).

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An MLIR-based compiler framework bridges DSLs (domain-specific languages) to DSAs (domain-specific architectures).





An MLIR-based compiler framework designed for a co-design ecosystem from DSL (domain-specific languages) to DSA (domain-specific architectures).
([Project page](

## Getting Started

The default build system uses LLVM/MLIR as an external library.
We also provide a [one-step build strategy](#one-step) for users who only want to use our tools.
Please make sure [the dependencies]( are available on your machine.

### LLVM/MLIR Dependencies

Before building, please make sure [the dependencies]( are available
on your machine.

### Clone and Initialize

$ git clone [email protected]:buddy-compiler/buddy-mlir.git
$ cd buddy-mlir
$ git submodule update --init

### Build and Test LLVM/MLIR/CLANG
$ cd buddy-mlir
$ mkdir llvm/build
$ cd llvm/build
$ cmake -G Ninja ../llvm \
$ ninja check-mlir check-clang

If your target machine includes a Nvidia GPU, you can use the following configuration:

$ cmake -G Ninja ../llvm \

To enable MLIR Python bindings, please use the following configuration:

$ cmake -G Ninja ../llvm \
-DPython3_EXECUTABLE=$(which python3)

If your target machine has lld installed, you can use the following configuration:

$ cmake -G Ninja ../llvm \

### Build buddy-mlir

If you have previously built the llvm-project, you can replace the $PWD with the path to the directory where you have successfully built the llvm-project.

$ cd buddy-mlir
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -G Ninja .. \
-DMLIR_DIR=$PWD/../llvm/build/lib/cmake/mlir \
-DLLVM_DIR=$PWD/../llvm/build/lib/cmake/llvm \
$ ninja
$ ninja check-buddy

To utilize the Buddy Compiler Python package, please ensure that the MLIR Python bindings are enabled and use the following configuration:

$ cmake -G Ninja .. \
-DMLIR_DIR=$PWD/../llvm/build/lib/cmake/mlir \
-DLLVM_DIR=$PWD/../llvm/build/lib/cmake/llvm \
-DPython3_EXECUTABLE=$(which python3)

If you want to add domain-specific framework support, please add the following cmake options:

| Framework | Enable Option | Other Options |
| -------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| OpenCV | `-DBUDDY_ENABLE_OPENCV=ON` | Add `-DOpenCV_DIR=` or install OpenCV release version on your local device. |

One-step building strategy

If you only want to use our tools and integrate them more easily into your projects, you can choose to use the one-step build strategy.

$ cmake -G Ninja -Bbuild \
$ cd build
$ ninja check-mlir check-clang
$ ninja
$ ninja check-buddy

### Use nix

This repository have nix flake support. You can follow the [nix installation instruction]( and enable the [flake features]( to have nix setup.

- If you want to contribute to this project:

nix develop .

This will setup a bash shell with `clang`, `clangd`, `cmake`, `ninja`, and other necessary dependencies to build buddy-mlir from source.

- If you want to use the buddy-mlir bintools

nix build .#buddy-mlir
./result/bin/buddy-opt --version

## Dialects

### Bud Dialect

Bud dialect is designed for testing and demonstrating.

### DIP Dialect

DIP dialect is designed for digital image processing abstraction.

## Tools

### buddy-opt

The buddy-opt is the driver for dialects and optimization in buddy-mlir project.

### buddy-lsp-server

This program should be a drop-in replacement for `mlir-lsp-server`, supporting new dialects defined in buddy-mlir. To use it, please directly modify mlir LSP server path in VSCode settings (or similar settings for other editors) to:

"mlir.server_path": "YOUR_BUDDY_MLIR_BUILD/bin/buddy-lsp-server",

After modification, your editor should have correct completion and error prompts for new dialects such as `rvv` and `gemmini`.

## Examples

The purpose of the examples is to give users a better understanding of how to use the passes and the interfaces in buddy-mlir. Currently, we provide three types of examples.

- IR level conversion and transformation examples.
- Domain-specific application level examples.
- Testing and demonstrating examples.

For more details, please see the [documentation of the examples](./examples/

## How to Cite

If you find our project and research useful or refer to it in your own work, please cite our paper as follows:

title={Compiler Technologies in Deep Learning Co-Design: A Survey},
author={Zhang, Hongbin and Xing, Mingjie and Wu, Yanjun and Zhao, Chen},
journal={Intelligent Computing},

For direct access to the paper, please visit [Compiler Technologies in Deep Learning Co-Design: A Survey](