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AWQ: Activation-aware Weight Quantization for LLM Compression and Acceleration

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AWQ: Activation-aware Weight Quantization for LLM Compression and Acceleration




# AWQ: Activation-aware Weight Quantization for LLM Compression and Acceleration

**Efficient and accurate** low-bit weight quantization (INT3/4) for LLMs, supporting **instruction-tuned** models and **multi-modal** LMs.


The current release supports:

- AWQ search for accurate quantization.
- Pre-computed AWQ model zoo for LLMs (LLaMA, Llama2, OPT, CodeLlama, StarCoder, Vicuna, VILA, LLaVA; load to generate quantized weights).
- Memory-efficient 4-bit Linear in PyTorch.
- Efficient CUDA kernel implementation for fast inference (support context and decoding stage).
- Examples on 4-bit inference of an instruction-tuned model (Vicuna) and **multi-modal LM** (VILA).

**Thanks to AWQ, TinyChat can deliver more efficient responses with LLM/VLM chatbots through 4-bit inference.**

* TinyChat on RTX 4090 (3.4x faster than FP16):

![TinyChat on RTX 4090: W4A16 is 3.4x faster than FP16](./tinychat/figures/4090_example.gif)

* TinyChat on Jetson Orin (3.2x faster than FP16):

![TinyChat on Orin: W4A16 is 3.2x faster than FP16](./tinychat/figures/orin_example.gif)

**TinyChat also supports inference with vision language models (e.g., VILA, LLaVA). In the following examples, W4A16 quantized models from VILA family are launched with TinyChat.**

* TinyChat with VILA-13B on RTX 4090 (multi-image inputs supported):

![TinyChat with VILA on 4090](./tinychat/figures/4090_vila_example.gif)

* TinyChat with VILA-7B/13B on Jetson Orin:

![TinyChat with VILA on Orin](./tinychat/figures/orin_vila_example.gif)

Check out [TinyChat](tinychat), which offers a turn-key solution for **on-device inference** of LLMs and VLMs on **resource-constrained edge platforms**. With TinyChat, it is now possible to efficiently run **large** models on **small** and **low-power** devices even without Internet connection!

## News
- [2024/02] 🔥 AWQ has been accepted to **MLSys 2024**!
- [2024/02] 🔥 We supported [VILA Vision Languague Models]( in AWQ & TinyChat! Check our latest demos with multi-image inputs!
- [2024/02] 🔥 We released new version of quantized GEMM/GEMV kernels in [**TinyChat**](tinychat), leading to **38 tokens/second** inference speed on NVIDIA Jetson Orin!
- [2023/11] 🔥 We added AWQ support and pre-computed search results for CodeLlama, StarCoder, StableCode models. Checkout our model zoo [here](!
- [2023/11] 🔥 AWQ is now integrated natively in Hugging Face transformers through `from_pretrained`. You can either load quantized models from the Hub or your own HF quantized models.
- [2023/10] AWQ is integrated into NVIDIA [TensorRT-LLM](
- [2023/09] AWQ is integrated into [FastChat](, [vLLM](, [HuggingFace TGI](, and [LMDeploy](
- [2023/09] âš¡ Check out our latest [**TinyChat**](tinychat), which is ~2x faster than the first release on Orin!
- [2023/09] âš¡ Check out [**AutoAWQ**](, a third-party implementation to make AWQ easier to expand to new models, improve inference speed, and integrate into Huggingface.
- [2023/07] 🔥 We released **TinyChat**, an efficient and lightweight chatbot interface based on AWQ. TinyChat enables efficient LLM inference on both cloud and edge GPUs. Llama-2-chat models are supported! Check out our implementation [here](tinychat).
- [2023/07] 🔥 We added AWQ support and pre-computed search results for Llama-2 models (7B & 13B). Checkout our model zoo [here](!
- [2023/07] We extended the support for more LLM models including MPT, Falcon, and BLOOM.

## Contents

- [AWQ: Activation-aware Weight Quantization for LLM Compression and Acceleration](#awq-activation-aware-weight-quantization-for-llm-compression-and-acceleration)
- [News](#news)
- [Contents](#contents)
- [Install](#install)
- [AWQ Model Zoo](#awq-model-zoo)
- [Examples](#examples)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Results on Vision-Language Models (VILA-7b/13B)](#results-on-vision-language-models-vila-7b13b)
- [Inference speed ( Token/sec )](#inference-speed--tokensec-)
- [Reference](#reference)
- [Related Projects](#related-projects)

## Install

1. Clone this repository and navigate to AWQ folder
git clone
cd llm-awq

2. Install Package
conda create -n awq python=3.10 -y
conda activate awq
pip install --upgrade pip # enable PEP 660 support
pip install -e .

* For **edge devices** like Orin, before running the commands above, please:

1. Modify [pyproject.toml](pyproject.toml) by commenting out [this line](
2. Set [this line]( to transformers==4.32.0.
3. Manually install precompiled PyTorch binaries (>=2.0.0) from [NVIDIA](
4. Set the appropriate Python version for conda environment (e.g., `conda create -n awq python=3.8 -y` for JetPack 5).

3. Install efficient W4A16 (4-bit weight, 16-bit activation) CUDA kernel and optimized FP16 kernels (e.g. layernorm, positional encodings).
cd awq/kernels
python install

## AWQ Model Zoo

We provide pre-computed AWQ search results for multiple model families, including LLaMA, OPT, Vicuna, and LLaVA. To get the pre-computed AWQ search results, run:

# git lfs install # install git lfs if not already
git clone awq_cache

The detailed support list:

| Models | Sizes | INT4-g128 | INT3-g128 |
| ------ | --------------------------- | --------- | --------- |
| [Llama2](/scripts/ | 7B/13B/70B | ✅ | ✅ |
| [LLaMA](/scripts/ | 7B/13B/30B/65B | ✅ | ✅ |
| [OPT](/scripts/ | 125m/1.3B/2.7B/6.7B/13B/30B | ✅ | ✅ |
| [CodeLlama](/scripts/ | 7B/13B/34B | ✅ | ✅ |
| [StarCoder](/scripts/ | 15.5B | ✅ | ✅ |
| [Vicuna-v1.1](/scripts/ | 7B/13B | ✅ | |
| [LLaVA-v0](/scripts/ | 13B | ✅ | |
| [VILA](/scripts/ | 7B/13B | ✅ | |

Note: We only list models that we have prepare the [AWQ searching results]( in the table above. AWQ also supports models such as LLaVA-v1.5 7B, and you may need to run the [AWQ search](#usage) on your own to quantize these models.

## Examples

AWQ can be easily applied to various LMs thanks to its good generalization, including instruction-tuned models and multi-modal LMs. It provides an easy-to-use tool to reduce the serving cost of LLMs.

Here we provide two examples of AWQ application: Vicuna-7B (chatbot) and LLaVA-13B (visual reasoning) under `./examples` directory. AWQ can easily reduce the GPU memory of model serving and speed up token generation. It provides accurate quantization, providing reasoning outputs. You should be able to observe **memory savings** when running the models with 4-bit weights.

Note that we perform AWQ using only textual calibration data, depsite we are running on multi-modal input. Please refer to `./examples` for details.


## Usage

We provide several sample script to run AWQ (please refer to `./scripts`). We use OPT-6.7B as an example.

1. Perform AWQ search and save search results (we already did it for you):
python -m awq.entry --model_path /PATH/TO/OPT/opt-6.7b \
--w_bit 4 --q_group_size 128 \
--run_awq --dump_awq awq_cache/

2. Evaluate the AWQ quantized model on WikiText-2 (simulated pseudo quantization)
python -m awq.entry --model_path /PATH/TO/OPT/opt-6.7b \
--tasks wikitext \
--w_bit 4 --q_group_size 128 \
--load_awq awq_cache/ \
--q_backend fake

3. Generate real quantized weights (INT4)
mkdir quant_cache
python -m awq.entry --model_path /PATH/TO/OPT/opt-6.7b \
--w_bit 4 --q_group_size 128 \
--load_awq awq_cache/ \
--q_backend real --dump_quant quant_cache/

4. Load and evaluate the real quantized model (now you can see smaller gpu memory usage)
python -m awq.entry --model_path /PATH/TO/OPT/opt-6.7b \
--tasks wikitext \
--w_bit 4 --q_group_size 128 \
--load_quant quant_cache/

## Results on Vision-Language Models (VILA-7b/13B)

AWQ also seamlessly supports large multi-modal models (LMMs). We demonstrate the results on the recent [VILA]( model family.

| VILA-7B | VQA-v2 | GQA | VizWiz | ScienceQA | TextVQA | POPE | MME | MMBench | MMBench-CN | SEED |
| ----------- |:-----------------:|:-----------------:|:-------:|:-----------------:|:-----------------:|:-------:|:-------:|:-----------------:|:-------------:|:-------:|
| FP16 | 80.3 | 63.1 | 59.6 | 68.0 | 62.6 | 86.3 | 1489.4 | 69.8 | 61.0 | 61.7 |
| AWQ-INT4 | 80.1 | 63.0 | 57.8 | 68.3 | 61.9 | 85.3 | 1486.3 | 68.8 | 58.9 | 61.3 |

| VILA-13B | VQA-v2 | GQA | VizWiz | ScienceQA | TextVQA | POPE | MME | MMBench | MMBench-CN | SEED |
| ----------- |:-----------------:|:-----------------:|:-------:|:-----------------:|:-----------------:|:-------:|:-------:|:-----------------:|:-------------:|:-------:|
| FP16 | 80.5 | 63.6 | 63.1 | 70.5 | 64.0 | 86.3 | 1553.6 | 73.8 | 66.7 | 62.8 |
| AWQ-INT4 | 80.4 | 63.6 | 63.0 | 71.2 | 63.5 | 87.0 | 1552.9 | 73.6 | 66.3 | 62.2 |

## Inference speed ( Token/sec )

| $~~~~~~$ | Precision | A100 | 4090 | Orin |
| --- | --- |--- | --- | --- |
| VILA-7B | fp16 | 81.6 | 58.5 | 11.5 |
| VILA-7B-AWQ| int4 |155.3| 168.1| 35.6 |
| VILA-13B | fp16 | 48.5 | OOM | 6.1 |
| VILA-13B-AWQ | int4 | 102.1| 99.0| 17.5 |

## Reference

If you find AWQ useful or relevant to your research, please kindly cite our paper:

title={AWQ: Activation-aware Weight Quantization for LLM Compression and Acceleration},
author={Lin, Ji and Tang, Jiaming and Tang, Haotian and Yang, Shang and Chen, Wei-Ming and Wang, Wei-Chen and Xiao, Guangxuan and Dang, Xingyu and Gan, Chuang and Han, Song},

## Related Projects

[SmoothQuant: Accurate and Efficient Post-Training Quantization for Large Language Models](

[GPTQ: Accurate Post-training Compression for Generative Pretrained Transformers](

[Vicuna and FastChat](

[LLaVA: Large Language and Vision Assistant](