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A project explorer sidebar

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A project explorer sidebar




# project-explorer
A tree project explorer.

## Features:

* Asynchronous indexing
* Caching
* File management
* I-search support
* Helm support
* Folding
* Filtering

## Main commands:

project-explorer-open -- open the sidebar
project-explorer-helm -- browse the file collection using helm

## Main key-bindings:

"s" Change directory
"j" Next line
"k" Previous line
"g" Refresh
"+" Create file or directory (if the name ends with a slash)
"-" & "d" Delete file or directory
"c" Copy file or directory
"r" Rename file or directory
"q" Hide sidebar
"u" Go to parent directory
"[" Previous sibling
"]" Next sibling
"TAB" Toggle folding. Unfold descendants with C-U
"S-TAB" Fold all. Unfold with C-U
"RET" Toggle folding of visit file. Specify window with C-U
"f" Visit file or directory. Specify window with C-U
"w" Show the path of file at point, and copy it to clipboard
"M-k" Launch ack-and-a-half, from the closest directory
"M-l" Filter using a regular expression. Call with C-u to disable
"M-o" Toggle omission of hidden and temporary files

## Main customizable variables:

##### pe/project-root-function

Function that will locate the project root from the current

##### pe/directory-tree-function

Indexing backend. One of `pe/get-directory-tree-async' (native,
asynchronous), `pe/get-directory-tree-simple'(native, synchronous) or
`pe/get-directory-tree-external' (extrnal, asynchronus, requires
"find" with GNU extensions)

##### pe/cache-enabled

Whether to use caching

##### pe/omit-regex

Files and directories matching this regex won't be traversed

##### pe/omit-gitignore

Omit files based on .gitignore. Directories containing only ignored files won't be shown.

##### pe/side

Set to 'left or 'right, depending on which side you want the sidebar to appear

##### pe/width

The width of the sidebar when it first appears

## Tailor-fitting pe/project-root-function

The default `pe/project-root-function` assumes that the project root will be the closest directory containing `.git`, or the current directory. If you have `projectile` installed, it will simply use `projectile-project-root` instead. Should you need something more specific, it's not hard to make your own project-finding function.

(defun pe/project-root-function-sample ()
;; A specific directory
(when (string-prefix-p "/path/to/my/project/" default-directory)
;; A directory containg a file
(locate-dominating-file default-directory "Web.config")

(setq pe/project-root-function 'pe/project-root-function-sample)