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Simple deduplicated encrypted backups for Proxmox

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Simple deduplicated encrypted backups for Proxmox




# VzBorg utility
## **Simple deduplicated, encrypted, local or remote backups for the [Proxmox Virtual Environment]( )**

With VzBorg you can:
- Backup, restore, purge, delete, list and organize your PVE backups in a flexible and efficient way.
- Use retention settings to keep your desired number of last, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly backups.
- Set up simple automated backups to remote locations using ssh keys.

VzBorg uses vzdump and [BorgBackup]( to allow deduplicated, compressed backups of Proxmox guests, in an optionally encrypted repository.

For remote backups, you can use your own server, virtual machine, or services like:
- []( Cloud Storage provider with support for borg.
- [BorgBase]( Borg hosting service
- [Lima-Labs]( NFS or SSH file system as a service provider with borg support (not tested yet)

## Requirements
You need a proxmox 5.x or 6.x server with a suitable BorgBackup package installed.

If you are running proxmox 6.x you can install BorgBackup with:

`apt install borgbackup`

If you are running proxmox 5.x you must enable stretch-backports repository:

`echo "deb stretch-backports main" >>/etc/apt/sources.list`

Then install BorgBackup from it:

`apt update`

`apt install -t stretch-backports borgbackup`

If you want to use a remote repository, you need BorgBackup installed on the remote computer, ideally with the same or a greater version.

If your remote repository is on another proxmox server, you can eventually restore your backups on it. Just install VzBorg, and configure the repository as a local one. Warning: In this situation it is not recommended to use that repository for local backups.

## Installation and update
As user root in your Proxmox server run:

`wget -O - | bash`

On first install, a default configuration file with a random passphrase is created.

## Usage:
`vzborg [OPTIONS]`

After the \ VzBorg only uses options. Specified, but not used options, are ignored.

### Commands:

VzBorg accepts one of the following commands:

| Command | Description |
| backup |Perform a backup job. |
| delete |Delete backups. |
| getdump |Recreate a dump file from a backup. |
| help |Show VzBorg help. |
| info |Show repository or backup info |
| list |List backups in a repository. |
| list-size |List sizes of backups in a repository |
| purge |Purge a repository. |
| restore |Restore backups from a repository. |
| version |Show VzBorg, Borg and PVE versions. |

### Options:
| Option | Value |Use with commands |Description |
|-b (--backup) |backup_name |delete/getdump/info/restore |Name of an existing backup (archive) |
|-c (--config) |config_name |all except help/version |Name of a config file in /etc/vzborg dir|
|-d (--dry-run) | |purge |Just perform a simulation |
|-f (--force) | |restore |Force overwrite of existing VM/CT |
|-h (--help) | |all except help/version |Display command help |
|-i (--id) |vm_id |all except help/info/version|PVE VM/CT ID or list of PVE VM/CT IDs |
|-k (--keep) |retention |backup/purge |List of retention settings |
|-m (--mode) |mode |backup |vzdump mode (default = snapshot) |
|-n (--new-id) |vm_id |restore |New vm_id for restored backup |
|-p (--purge) | |backup |Purge guest when backing up |
|-r (--repository)|repository |all except help/version |Borg repository |
|-s (--storage) |storage |getdump/restore |Proxmox storage (default = local) |

### Configuration file:


Edit before using VzBorg, to customize defaults values for repository, encryption, etc..

You can have different config files in /etc/vzborg for managing different repositories or environments.
You can instruct vzborg to read an additional configuration file with the -c (--config) option. Ex:

`vzborg backup -c remoterepo -i 121`

Backup guest with ID 121 reading additional configuration file /etc/vzborg/remoterepo.

### Repositories
The `vzborg backup` command, automatically creates the related borg repository, if it does not exist.

### Backup names

VzBorg creates backups encoding the guest ID and the backup time into the name, for example:

`vzborg-104-2020_04_02-17_12_34.tar` for an lxc container


`vzborg-105-2020_04_02-17_15_11.vma` for a virtual machine

When recreating a Proxmox backup file (getdump command), VzBorg will use the default PVE naming convention, for example:

`vzdump-lxc-104-2020_04_02-17_12_34.tar.lzo` for an lxc container


`vzdump-qemu-105-2020_04_02-17_15_11.vma.lzo` for a virtual machine

## First steps

The best way to start with VzBorg is to edit the `/etc/vzborg/default` file with some sensible values, and run a back up of a small guest. Then you can try to restore it, backup it again, list, purge, etc.

## Examples

### Help

`vzborg help`

Show VzBorg help.

`vzborg restore -h`

Show help about restore command.

### Backup

`vzborg backup --id 201`

Backup guest 201 with default options.

`vzborg backup --id all --config remote-repo`

Backup all guests in proxmox node with default options using configuration file remote-repo.

`vzborg backup --id '101 102 307' --mode stop --purge`

Backup guests 101, 102 and 307 with mode stop to default repository, purging with default retention settings.

### Restore
`vzborg restore --backup vzborg-300-2020_03_20-13_11_46.vma --new-id 1300 --storage local_lvm`

Restore VM from backup with name vzborg-300-2020_03_20-13_11_46.vma as VM with ID 1300 to storage local_lvm.

`vzborg restore --id 102 --storage local_lvm --force`

Restore last backup of VM 102 forcing overwrite if guest exists.

`vzborg restore --id all --repository /mnt/backup02`

Restore last backup of all guests in repository /mnt/backup02 to default storage.

### List backups

`vzborg list`

List all backups in the default repository.

`vzborg list --id 303 --repository ssh://`

List all backups of guest with ID 303 existing on remote repository ssh://

`vzborg list --id '1230 1040 2077' --repository /mnt/vzborg`

List all backups of guests with IDs 1230, 1040 and 2077 existing in local repository /mnt/vzborg

`vzborg list-size`

List size of each backup in the default repository.

`vzborg list-size --id 201`

List size of each backup of guest 201 in the default repository.

### Information about repository or backup

`vzborg info`

Shows information about the default repository.

`vzborg info --backup vzborg-lxc-13998-2020_03_20-13_08_35.tar`

Shows information about backup vzborg-lxc-13998-2020_03_20-13_08_35.tar in default repository, including guest configuration file.

`vzborg info --repository /var/lib/vzborg`

Shows information about the repository /var/lib/vzborg.

### Get dump file

`vzborg getdump --backup vzborg-13998-2020_03_20-13_08_35.tar --storage backups`

Recreate from backup name vzborg-13998-2020_03_20-13_08_35.tar an lxc dump file in PVE storage backups (the file will be recreated as the compressed file vzdump-lxc-13998-2020_03_20-13_08_35.tar.lzo)

`vzborg getdump --id 103 --storage backups`

Recreate dump file from last backup in default repository of guest 103, in PVE storage backups

### Purge repository

`vzborg purge --id '101 102 307'`

Purge backups of guests with IDs 101, 102 and 307, on default repository, using default retentions.

`vzborg purge --id all --keep-last=2`

Purge backups keeping only the last 2 of each guest.

`vzborg purge --id '101 102 307' --keep-weekly=4 --keep-monthly=6 --keep-yearly=2`

Purge backups of guests with IDs 101, 102 and 307 on default repository, keeping 4 weekly, 6 monthly and 2 yearly backups.

### Delete backups

`vzborg delete --id '101 103'`

Deletes all existing backups of guests 101 and 103 from default repository

`vzborg delete --backup vzborg-141-2020_03_20-13_18_45.tar -r /var/lib/vzborgrepo`

Deletes the vzborg-141-2020_03_20-13_18_45.vma backup from the /var/lib/vzborgrepo repository

## License
Licensed under GNU Affero General Public License, version 3.

## Feedback, bug-reports, requests, ...
They are welcome [here!](

## Important note
VzBorg is under development. Use it at your own risk.